Chapter 2

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Louis POV.
Louis woke up to the sun shining through the curtains, he rubbed his eyes stretching out a little. He could smell breakfast cooking. He pushed his hair back slightly walking into the bathroom doing his morning routine, brushing his teeth, washing his face. He grabbed an adidas jacket and a white shirt and black skinny jeans to go with.

Harry set two plates out on the dining room table and placed the freshly cooked pancakes and bacon on the side with just a trickle of syrup. He grabbed the orange juice pouring it in the glass beside it. He checked the time on his phone. Today Louis needed to be at an important television interview and harry was already overthinking about keeping him as safe as possible.

Louis followed the smell after he changed and sat at the table. "Woah this looks so good.. thanks Harry,"
"Well you know you need your energy for today and I wouldn't want you leaving without eating."

Harry grinned with a toothy grin digging into his pancakes. "Louis gulped thinking through somethings in his head before taking a bit of his pancake. Already Harry was concerned, "What are you thinking about Louis?" Louis sighed picking at his breakfast. "J-just.. going out in public, just a bit anxious I guess."

"You know I'll protect you right?, I won't let anyone near you unless it's fans that truly want to say hi or get a quick selfie." Louis nodded sighing in relief. "Thank you",

"Ay it's my job Lou" Harry chuckled continuing to eat up.
Louis tingled a bit with the nickname Harry used .

Later that day..
Harry opened the door for Louis as he stepped out into flashing cameras and fans screaming , paparazzi shouting random shit. Louis smiled and gave a little wave to the cameras.

"Oh my god, Louis I love you , please can I get a picture The fan begged. Louis looked at Harry , he nodded in approval. Harry took the fans phone and took the photo. He handed it back to her gently and watched Louis carefully and the people around him.

"Thank you so much , bye Louis ," Louis giggled and gave a toothy smile as he waved to her and some other fans on the way in. Harry led Louis into the building but told him to stand aside while he checks everything before Louis can pass through.

Louis stood waiting watching Harry's tall figure Search every area in the building. He found himself looking him up and down and stopping by his ass. "Fuck" he mumbled.

"Everything's good Lou," Harry led him into the interview room where he was live on tv. He stayed back stage but kept a close eye on the small boy sat on the comfy chair opposite a women asking him questions.

Harry watched as Louis nodded softly and giggle ever so often.
"So I hear you have a new bodyguard am I right? The women asked. "Yeah I do just met him yesterday, he's a great guy. "Louis nodded biting his lip softly .

Harry smirked and sipped his coffee listening to every word.

After the interview ended Louis got hungry," I know a pretty good diner we could go to if you'd like. "Oo diner sounds amazing right now." Lou said on his way back to the car. Harry guided him in so the paps wouldn't bother him. Louis sighed in relief that the interview was over and that he could just go relax with Harry.

A new update!
Thank you for reading lovelies !
X factor tonight cannot wait to watch Louis 😍 . So proud of him I can't even rn 😂

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