Chapter Fourteen; The Diner

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**Carter's P.O.V.**

Brantley and I had just watched the sun go down but I wasn't ready for this perfect night to end but I was also really hungry.

"So did this plan involve feeding me?" I asked.

"If you're hungry it does." Brantley said.

"Good cause I want food." I said moving so I could look at Brantley.

"Then let's go get some food." Brantley said smiling. I leaned a away from Brantley and immediately missed the warmth of his body. If this wasn't for food I would've leaned right back into him. He stood up and held out his hand to pull me up. When he pulled me up he pulled me right into his arms. I happily wrapped mine around his waist I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head. Brantley's six feet tall and I'm five feet four inches tall I think you picture our hug.

"My mamas gonna flip." Brantley said.

"She's gonna be the happiest woman alive. We should go there after we eat." I suggested.

"So soon?" Brantley asked.

"Am I not good enough to take home to mama?" I asked pulled away from him like I was offended.

"Nah you're not good enough. You're perfect." Brantley said poking my nose.

"Damn straight I am." I said laughing. Brantley chuckled and we hopped down from the back of the truck. Brantley opened my door for me and helped me inside. I wish homecoming night really ended like this. Although it is weird to be kissing up on the guy I called my best friend for so long.

"Where are we goin?" Brantley asked staring the truck.

"The diner." I said not hesitating.

"That was quick. Guess your craving a burger, fries, and chocolate shake." Brantley said pulling back onto the dirt road.

"How'd you know?" I asked giggling.

"Not sure. I mean I haven't known you since you were fifteen or anything." Brantley said being sarcastic. My phone started going off and that's when I realized I haven't talked to Sarah all day.

"Hello?" I said answering my phone.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"With Brantley." I said looking over at him and smiling.

"No shit but where?" She asked.

"Headed to the diner. Why?" I asked curious as to why she'd wanna know so badly.

"I was just wondering. When you come home or if ignore what's in the driveway." She said sounding suspicious.

"And what would I be ignoring in the driveway?" I asked.

"A certain persons vehicle." She said giggling.

"Jake?" I asked.

"Maybe. Gotta go. Condoms. Love ya." She said.

"Not doing that. Bye love you too." I said slightly laughing and hanging up the phone.

Brantley looked over at me with questioning eyes.

"Sarah was letting me know that she's not alone at the house and I was to ignore who it was." I said answering the question in his head.

"And the person would be?" Brantley asked. Didn't he listen to my conversation?

"Jake." I said laughing again.

"Those two are somethin else." Brantley said shaking his head.

"Who you tellin? I was the one who had to listen to her bitchin and then I come back home to find out they've been sleeping together but still hate each other." I said looking in Brantley's direction.

"I'd be a little pissed." Brantley said.

"I mean a little but she's family so I guess it's okay." I said shrugging. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet but Brantley and I didn't need to constantly talk to one another. When we got to the diner Brantley got out and waited for me at the front of the truck. When I got to him he grabbed my hand and we walked inside. There were a few people there that we were close to so we talked to them for a few minutes.

"I gotta ask, are y'all together?" Kim asked looking at our hands.

"Yupp we are." I said proudly and looked at Brantley. He sent a small smile my way.

"It's about damn time." She said. That made Brantley and I laugh everyone always told us we needed to be together and we just ignored it. Guess they were right.

Brantley and I got our table and looked at the menu even though we both knew what we were getting. When the waitress came over she was acting weird and I didn't know why. Brantley and I ordered our food and then she asked to take a picture with Brantley. Shit right he's famous. I keep forgetting that, I guess no matter what he's always just gonna be Brantley Gilbert to me.

"I keep forgetting you're famous." I said playing with the little jelly packets on the table.

"Really?" Brantley asked like he was surprised.

"Yeah. I guess you're always gonna be just Brantley Gilbert to me. Not Brantley Gilbert country superstar." I said smiling.

"I'm alright with that." Brantley said smiling.

"Good cause it ain't gonna change." I said throwing one of the packets at him.

"You're beautiful." Brantley said out of the blue.

"Why thank you. You ain't to bad yourself for a country boy." I said playfully winking at him. Brantley chuckled and looked down shaking his head at me. The waitress brought us our food and we ate in a comfortable silence. When we finished eating and drinking our milkshakes Brantley paid and we went and got in the truck.

"Alright so we have four options, stay at mamas tonight, stay at my place, stay at Pott's, or I can take you home." Brantley said before pulling out of the parking lot.

"If you still want this to be like homecoming night we gotta stay at Pott's." I said smiling.

"I was thinking something along the lines of comfortable sleeping." Brantley said smirking.

"Then we should stay at your moms. At least keep the night back in the day." I suggested.

"Alright. Sounds good to me." Brantley said starting the truck and heading towards his moms house.

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