Chapter Four; The Strange Dream

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Brantley had cleared almost everyone out and left the rest to Kolby. I climbed on my four wheeler, Brantley getting in his truck. We headed towards my house staying side by side the whole time. We pulled into the driveway and I put my wheeler back in the garage. I walked over to Brantley who had gotten out of his truck.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"For what?" He asked.

"For offering up that killer mud hole in your backyard." I said giggling.

"Anything for you angel." Brantley said giving me his award winning smirk.

"That's good to know BrantBear." I said still smiling.

"I'll see ya tomorrow. We'll listen to the other CD and I can get my sweatshirt back." He said pushing off his truck that he had been leaning on.

"Sounds good. What time?" I asked.

"Give me your number. I'll text you when I get up." Brantley said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Alright." I said giving him my number.

"I'll see ya tomorrow angel." Brantley said pulling me in for a hug.

"See ya then BrantBear." I said smiling. I pulled away from the hug and Brantley watched me walk up to the front door before he got in his truck. I then watched him pull out of the driveway and head towards his house. I went inside and went straight to my room grabbing pajamas and then went to the bathroom to shower. After I was in the shower I heard the bathroom door open and I knew it was Sarah.

"No we did not hook up." I said before she could ask.

"Why not!? He is attractive! Muscles, tattoos, piercings, and he's a sweetheart; well to you anyways." Sarah said pleading her case.

"He's also been my best friend since I was fifteen and he was eighteen. That's gross to even think about." I said shuddering a little.

"You don't even see the way he looks at you Carter! He's totally in love with you. It was his idea to have the party at his place not mine. I was just gonna have a huge ass bonfire in the backyard." Sarah said. She's totally wrong Brantley doesn't love me maybe as friends but nothing more.

"You have no idea how wrong you are. Brantley doesn't love me like that. He loves me like I'm his little sister." I said.

"Yeah a little sister that he wants to bang up against the wall." She said.

"One, ew and two, he's not the type of guy to throw a girl up against a wall." I said, well at least I'd hope not.

"For god sakes he calls you angel! That's not just some cute nickname for a friend. That's like a pet name or whatever." She said.

"It's just a nickname. I call him BrantBear and he calls me angel it's nothing serious. You over think things way to much. Can you hand me my towel?" I asked turning the water off. She handed me my towel and kept on talking about how Brantley loves me, he wants me, this that and the other. It was really getting annoying.

"Okay, Sarah. Chill. Brantley and I are just friends and that's all we will ever be. I love him like he's my big brother and I'd do anything for him. He feels the same way I do there are no hidden feelings anywhere. I'm going to be. Goodnight. I love you." I said finally having enough of all the talking.

"Geez. Crabby. I love you too babygirl. Goodnight." Sarah said giving me a hug. I went into my room closing the door behind me. I got in my bed, plugged my phone in, and just laid there for a few minutes. I was about asleep when my phone buzzed on the nightstand I picked it up and read the message.

>Goodnight Angel. x<

Well I know that's Brantley he's the only one who calls me angel. I saved his number and text him back.

Me- Goodnight BrantBear. x

I put my phone back on the nightstand and drifted off to sleep. Around four in the morning I woke up from the strangest dream ever. It was about Brantley and I we were sitting out by the lake on Potts Farm just talking we he pushed me and I pushed him back. We kept pushing each other until he tackled me to the ground tickling my sides. I yelled for him to stop cause I was gonna pee if he didn't. He stopped tickling me and just hovered there before he leaned in to kiss me, but I woke up before that happened. Ugh! Sarah I hate it when she talks about Brantley and I like that I always end up having a dream where we almost kiss or he is goin to propose to me. Neither one of those things will ever happen one because we are just friends and two he's terrified of commitment.

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