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happy reading!❤

Third Person's POV

He breath out loud, he just risk his life by agreeing with what she said.

Seriously? Remove the mask and revealing his face?! No way!

He walked out while holding the food he prepared and looked at the door just broken awhile ago.

The assholes attacked his house while he is cooking. But he managed them with the help of his assets who's guarding the land and air for him.

He is about to remove his mask to wash his face when he saw Jennie looking at him with her straight face. He's shocked but he didn't let her notice.

"Remove it boy..I don't mind." She said and walk towards him. "So you are wearing this all day long while I'm locked up on my room?" She bit her lips as she put her hands on his shoulder.

"What are you doing." He asked with a hoarse voice.

Jennie saw his adam's apple move so she went closer to whisper something to him. "Do you want me to remove it for you?"

Jennie is used to this kind of seduction, she always seduce her enemies to distract them because she knew that..

she is hot.

"Remove wh--what?"

Jennie landed a soft giggle on his neck and then looked at his face closely. His hands is up holding the mask carefully.

"You really don't want to show me your face?" She asked sweetly while breathing raggedly.

Who are you seriously?! I'm frustrated that you keeps on doing good things to me. I'm frustrated because I knew one day you will betray me!

There's a lot of things she wanted to say but she control herself not to. She need to go with her plan.

"I'm asking you Mister.." She held his chin but he looked away, Jennie could only smirk and then made him look at her. "Who are you?" She asked in a low tone.

He didn't answer and he looked away. Jennie gripped his chin harder and frustrations is plastered all over her face.

"Just tell me who you are!" Jennie yelled as she pushed him through the wall, but this guy seems like he's fine while holding the mask on his face.

and that made her so mad.


"Just tell me who you are..." She asked with her gritted teeth while pointing a gun at him. "tell me or I will cut your tongue!"

This guy arranged his mask and then walked towards her and pointed the gun that she is holding in his chest.

"Kill me Jennie Kim. Shoot me right now." He pulled the gun closer but Jennie is holding it tight. "If you think that I am an enemy then kill me, kill me if you want to, but I won't show you my face."

Jennie calmed down to read his blue eyes. It doesn't show anything but coldness and calmness. Seems like he's not scared of going to die.

"I will kill you if you're lying to me. I will kill you if you're going to betray me.  I will definitely kill you. I'm giving you 2 days to reveal your identity to me Mister."

"Okay..but in those two days you need to get to know me. Go out on your room, atleast breath fresh air! We are infront of a beach, doesn't it attempt you?"

But Jennie knew what his plan, he wanted her to hang out with him in two days and he will make her forget about revealing his identity because he will fake it on two days that they were together.

With all the information she had, she smiled sweetly and answered. "Fine."

I'm not stupid Mister, you are.

Jennie's POV

"Are you comfortable?" This guy never forget to clear his throat. He asked while arranging the blanket I just sat up with.

"I'm fine." I said uncomfortably. He is so caring and I don't like it. So he's giving all his efforts to fake his identity okay?

We are sitting in a blanket in the sand infront of the sea, I don't like the idea but whatever.

he cleared his throat. expect that bitches. "So how was your shot? It's been long days the last time you went out and eat. Look how pale you are.."

Can you please stop acting like you cares?! "Uh yeah. I do look pale."

"I went to the city awhile ago, I brought some vitamins--"

"You left me alone in this house?" I asked unbelievably.


"Are you kidding me spiderman?!" I yelled. And yes, he is wearing an spiderman head costume.

"Yes because I run out of ingredients because you wasted the foods I prepared." I pressed my lips together and sat comfortably.

"Oh." I mouthed feeling embarrassed.

"You should take the vitamins I got okay?" I didn't answer and stare at the sea. "Jennie."

"Yeah yeah, I heard you." bitch i'm not deaf.

"So what are you up to this days? You're locked in your room." I can't see any emotions in his face because it was covered as fuck.

"I found out who the fellas who attacked my house, but unfortunately they're already dead."

"Unfortunately? So you're not the one who's beyind the killing?" He sounds shocked, but never forget to clear his throat.

Bitch I know you're behind all of that. "Why do you sound so shocked?"

"Because I was wrong! I thought it's you" He sounds frustrated.

My brows curved. So who's behind those shits?!

"I was wrong also! I thought it was you who ordered to kill them all!" I also yelled because he yelled at me.

"Why are we shouting?" I stopped. Yeah right, why are we shouting?

"I don't know either. Then who ordered to kill those assholes? If it's not you, who?"

My fist clenched when the silence covered us, both of us is confused.

"Your Papá?" I looked at him when I heard him whisper.

"You know my Papá?" He looked away and but I didn't remove my stare at him. "You know my Papá..who are you?"

I saw him breath out, and looked away. "Who wouldn't know him? He is the most powerful man in Spain, everyone scares him and everyone in Spain is scared at you too."

"Scared at me?"

"Yes, your father reveal your identity in Spain. Everyone is scared at you because you can go against your Dad, so many enemies wanted to bring you down because they all knew that you're more powerful."

"I'm powerful because I'm going against my father? They're all attacking me now because they knew that I will bring them all down?"

"Yes. So when I knew that your identity is already revealed, I guarded you everyday."

"Everyday? So you knew me before revealing my identity don't you?" Who are you.. "How can you guard me everyday? I have a good senses and I haven't seen you once."

"Maybe you're not good enough." he scoffed.

"Fuck you."

"But seriously, try going to Spain..you're not yet landing your feet in that country you're already dead." He made a tsk tsk sound. "That's how you threaten every mafias in Madrid."

this guy knew a lot about me..but how about I play with his mind?

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