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Chapter 25

Third Person's POV.

It wasnt awkward dinner eating alone for Jennie, she's used to this.

She does everything alone.

This guy ate on his room locked, as much as Jennie wanted to shoot his door and then went in, she doesn't want to waste her time.

Jennie made a 'mmm' sound because of the delicious food this guy made. It was an Spanish Food with Italian pasta. Well, that guy is a good cook I see.

After eating, Jennie left the table not even being ashamed. She need to contact him, she needs to.

[quien es este.] a guy with a deep baritone voice said. It wasn't a quetion, it sounds like a statement to her.

"This is me Jennie.Papá, estoy en peligro. They attacked my house, they were many Papá I couldn't handle them alone." i'm in danger

[mi hija, I told you I won't help you right? You asked for my help and I did helped you.] Jennie's teeth clenched.

She knows it, that her father is an evil after all so her Mom left this evil guy.

"Lo sé Papá. I know." She started to feel irritared. "So atleast send one of your guys here! I need cullo right here Papá, for goodness sake?"


"Vete a la mierda Papá, te odio!" fuck you Papá, i hate you!

[I let you be an ass Jennie, I know what you're doing. You enrolled on an assassination school, you smoke, you go to clubs and you kill,my daughter. You're becoming an evil like me now, so be it.]

"I will drag you down Papá, remember that. You made me more evil than your self. Wait for me." And with that, Jennie ended up the call and turned and saw this guy wearing different mask.

"I'm sorry I didn--"

"It's okay." She cutted of his words and sat on a bench in his terrace. "So you heard how asshole my father is, like me."

The guy shook his head that made her stare at him.

"No. He is your father, he cares for you."

Jennie laughed sarcastically. "Cares, my ass."

"Then why am I here?"

Jennie didn't answer for a minute. "That's my question also."

"Guys means the opposite Jennie. Remember that." Jennie saw him smiled in his eyes. "I will sleep now, go to the room you woke up in. We will find things out tomorrow morning, goodnight."

"Wait." Jennie closed her fist. "Were you sent by Papá?"

She felt him stilled. He cleared his throat and then continue walking.


Jennie's POV

Is he sent by Papá? No, it can't be. Papá will never help a person twice. Then who the hell is this guy?! Frustrations is started to build in me so I contacted Sab.

[Oh gosh Jennie finally!]

"I need your help Sab. I was attacked by a group of men awhile ago this afternoon, I think they're chicos negros, Dad's enemy."

[Okay, I will hack all of your CCTV cameras to find out who those guys are.]

"And.." I stopped for awhile. "and identify the guy who helped me."

[Okay. I will call you later Jennie, how are you?hey-] I heard Sab yelled when I guess someone took her phone. [Where are you? I will come to get you, just tell me where you are.] It was Leo.

At first, I thought this guy was Leo but he can't be Leo. Leo was there with Sab and not here.

Who the hell is this guy?!

"I'm fine, you don't have to come here. You're going to be in danger. But Leo, I have to ask you a favor."

[No. I have to go to-]

"Por favor?" please? .

I never say please. But I think I have to, he just helped me to get home and cure my wounds and then I'm going to leave him there alone?

I heard him breath out. [Fine. But call me if you need my help okay? So Qué es?] what is it?

I took a long deep breath. "Go to my house and find Taehyung there, I left him there after they attacked my house and---"

[perdón?] pardon?

"Just do what I told Leo, I'm tired."

[entiendo.] I get it.

I ended up the call and then lay on the bed. Who the hell is this guy?!

To release my thoughts, I went in the bathroom and cleans my wounds. It hurts like hell but I'm used to it.

I wear my robe and I just realized that I don't have anything to wear. I opened the closet and saw a lot of black clothes and stuffs.

Boxer's will do for my underwear, and I got my self a black over sized shirt. I am combing my hair when my phone rings.

"Leo? What's up?"

[Sab still working on it, but about what you asked me Taehyung is not in your house anymore. ]

"Where is he? Did he managed to went out? Check the cct--"

[We think he used the backdoor so the CCTV--]

"Do you mean you didn't saw him go out after me and the guy in black leave?"


I gritted my teeth. "Okay, thanks Leo. Call me if Sab was done."

[No. We will contact you later at the morning, you need to rest.]

" 'kay"

it's like I'm doing some puzzle here. If Taehyung wasn't saw going out in my house after me and this guy left the house..

no way.

Taehyung is a dumb hell and don't know how to fight. And their voice is not the same, their eyes is not the same this guy's eyes was Blue.

"Fuck." I hissed. I can't even identify his body features because of his damn oversized jacket!

Who the hell is this guy seriously?

Is he an enemy?

I have the feeling that this guy is Taehyung but I also have the feeling that this guy isn't Taehyung. Their voice is not the same and their eyes is not the same.

Think Jennie!

"Oh." I mumbled when I remembered that Taehyung have a birthmark in his lower butt. But how will I able to check it?

Tattoo...he doesn't have tattoos!

Arghh! This is so frustrating. I will just sleep.

Wait and see black guy, I will know your identity soon.

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