"Arey, now what do I tell you of my tale, Omkaraji? The story is same as the stories of millions who come to this big city every year to make a life and a living for themselves." said Gauri dramatically. Omkara internally smiled at the way Chulbul put it.

"I lived in a small city in UP, with my mother and relatives. I owned a small shop, with many others, on a land that didn't really belong to us. One day the owner of the land sold the land to someone else. He was within his rights to do so, and the new owner was within his right to throw us out of his land. But we all were left without a shop now." Gauri despaired.

Omkara was strongly reminded of what he had done in Bareilly. He felt ashamed and guilty, as if he was the one who threw Chulbul out of the land. 

"So, some of us set up our shops again, but unfortunately I didn't get any new premises or money to set up another shop. So I took whatever savings I had and came to Bombay to make a living. My mother stayed back with our relatives, so that way we save costs. I send her money from here." explained Chulbul.

Omkara knew that it was the same story everywhere, most migrants to the city, from whichever class, lived here separately to earn money to send back to their family.

"I met Dandi bhaiyaa here, quite by mistake. He did me a good turn and then invited me to live with him, and we share the rent of the chawl. I have a day job somewhere else, and in the evening I do these plays with Dandi bhaiyaa, though I am not a professional artist like him." said Chulbul.

"You must be missing your mother. Living away from her, first time in your life." said Omkara, sympathetically.

"Yes, I do miss my mother a lot."said Gauri sadly, thinking of her ill mother back in Moradabad with Richa's family.

"I miss my mother too." said Omkara. Though he spoke to her occasionally, it was different living apart from his family. 

"Why? Why can't you live with your family?" asked Gauri. 

"Thats a tale for another day." said Omkara. "So tell me my little detective, how do we figure out Ranveer's plan?" 

"Did your sister see the face of her fiancee's sister? Did she actually see her in coma?" asked Gauri

"I don't know. I think she saw her in bed, being treated by nurses." thought Omkara.

"And the comatose sister's son? Whose photo you were texted?" asked Gauri further.

Omkara squirmed. It was that photo which sent him down the drug spiral. But the strange thing was that once he recovered from his drug overdose attack, first Riddhima's betrayal and then Shivaay's marriage fiasco took up all of his attention. He was amazed now to think that all this happened just four months back, and everyone in the family was so caught up with Shivaay's wedding and what followed, that he forgot about his own issues. 

"I don't know...anything about that child." said Omkara guiltily. 

"Okay never mind. Our first plan of action, is to confirm the identity of that child and that sister. The child will be easier to trace. He would be going to school, and if your sister's future husband is taking care of that child, then you can easily find out about him. For that matter, your sister is marrying this person, how come your family doesn't know about his comatose sister or nephew? Don't you rich people do extensive research of your prospective bridegrooms?" asked Gauri curiously.

Omkara was embarrassed now. Shivaay did do a background check, but apart from an adoptive aunt, who was Kamini aunty, he didn't find anything about a sister or nephew. It made Omkara feel more foolish by the minute that he and Prinku believed Ranveer so easily. 

"Yes, my brother did, but nothing came up on the sister or nephew." said Omkara shiftily. 

"Hmm...okay, fine. You must be having some people to deploy for this kind of work. Ask someone to find out everything about that kid, give his photo to them." said Gauri

"As you order, my little detective" Omkara said jokingly. 

"S...sorry, I didn't mean to order you, its just...I've always been my own person, and all my friends were younger than me, so they would always follow me around" said Gauri, apologetically.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. So when do I see you next?" asked Omkara

"When you find something concrete. Now I got to rush. Bye!" said Gauri, and rushed to catch the local train back to her place. 

On the way back, sitting in the local train, Gauri wondered how strange it was that Omkara who knew nothing about Chulbul, was willing to share the truth to a complete stranger and seek his help, and yet the same guy did not believe her, Gauri, in Bareilly. 

Why? Was Omkara a prejudiced man? Or a confused judge of people? Something really grave had happened to him, that made him like this. 


"Rudy...hey, Rudy, listen, I have to ask you something" Shivaay called Rudy, who was busy looking over some preparations for another of Priyanka's wedding ceremonies. 

"Yes, bhaiyaa, what happened?" asked Rudy, as he reached Shivaay.

"Rudra, did you apply for an internship with the Ranas, in their business?" asked Shivaay

"Yes, bhaiyaa I did." replied Rudra, looking shiftily at the floor.

Shivaay paused for a while, giving Rudra a hard look. Then he said.

"I see. I know you've been studying hard since the past few days, and you want to prove yourself. And if this internship, is the next step in that direction, then I am all for it. However, let me tell you two things, Rudra. One, your grades haven't been great in your graduation or the last year. This means that in your coming final year exams, your grades have to be exceptional. Time is less, and the challenge is grave. The Ranas business does not give any internship opportunities to people below a certain grade. So, buck up and give your best in these three months. Second, even if the Ranas give you an internship, they are going to make you slog, and more than their usual interns. Don't forget, you are their primary business rival's son/brother. Senior Rana doesn't like Dad, and you know my equation with Siddharth. Mallika may have softened him towards us, but he is still a Rana. He's going to give you a tough time. So, be prepared for the worst. I want to focus all your concentration on just your studies and future now. Agreed?" Shivaay let out his breadth as he finished.

"Agreed bhaiyaa." said Rudy, and hugged his elder brother tightly. "Thanks for always being supportive of my choices bhaiyaa." 

"I'm proud of you, Rudra, that my little brother is finally growing up." said Shivaay, as he patted Rudy's shoulder.

Rudy was elated and grateful, not just to his brother, but also to Soumya, whose words had brought about such a profound change in him. 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now