"So that's what the thing in my chest is for?" Zoe asked.

"Yes. The port in your chest is designed for your chemo treatments." Oudyk said.

"Fantastic." Zoe said. Oudyk chuckled and started setting Zoe up. Zoe winced several times and Oudyk sighed.

"I'm so sorry about the discomfort. It's always the worst the first time." Oudyk said.

"What discomfort?" Zoe asked, her face screwed up in pain. Evan grabbed her hand.

"You're doing so good Zoe." Evan soothed. Zoe gasped as Oudyk finished.

"Okay. So the treatment should take around an hour, but feel free to occupy yourself with whatever you'd like. We just need you to stay in the chair." Oudyk said. Zoe nodded and grabbed her phone. Evan kissed her on the cheek and she put her phone down.

"What if it doesn't work?" Zoe asked softly. Evan looked at her.

"It will. Zoe it's going to work. And as soon as they can take you to surgery, they will." Evan said. Zoe sighed.

"But what if it comes back?" Zoe asked. Evan kissed her forehead.

"Then we fight again." Evan said. Zoe sighed.

"Now, lets not worry about this right now. You're going to beat this." Evan said. Zoe smiled sadly and rested her head on his shoulder.


"Okay, lets go get a new scan!" Oudyk said. Zoe sighed and squeezed Evan's hand as her bed was wheeled into the hall.

"What happens if Lucifer hasn't grown?" Zoe asked. Oudyk looked at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Zoe has named her tumour." Evan said.

It was Zoe's idea to name the tumour. She said naming it made her feel in control of something in her life. So she had chosen the name Lucifer and it had stuck.

"If Lucifer hasn't grown, then we continue treatment as usual. But judging by the recent migraines you've been getting, I'd say he's grown a bit." Oudyk said.

"If it's grown enough, then you can operate, right?" Evan asked. Oudyk nodded.

"I'm trying to hold off for as long as possible. But once the tumour hits your optical nerve, it will be the ideal time. So judging by the fact that Zoe can see still, we're not quite there." Oudyk said. Zoe sighed as Oudyk pushed the bed towards the room. Zoe sighed and got onto the platform sticking out of the machine.

"Okay Evan, you can't be in here." Oudyk said. Evan sighed and kissed Zoe before she was wheeled into the smaller room.


Zoe was lying in bed clutching Evan's hand as Doctor Oudyk showed her the scan.

"What do you mean the chemo isn't working?" Zoe asked, tears coming to her eyes.

"Your tumour has stopped responding. So we can do one of two things; we can stop the treatments completely, or we can try again with higher dose chemo and radiation. You will feel awful with the higher dose but it might shrink the tumour." Oudyk said. Zoe felt tears spill down her face and she looked at Evan.

"Wh-What do you want to do?" She asked. Evan cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

"What do you wanna do baby?" Evan asked gently. Zoe shook her head.

"I don't know." Zoe said.

"If we stop the treatment, it's possible that the tumour will grow faster and we can get it out faster. But there are a lot of risks." Oudyk said. Zoe felt more tears fall.

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