The ambulance arrive after the criminal been captured. The ambulance staff quickly send Yoongi who near to dead to hospital with some guards.

Meanwhile at (y/n)'s house, Jungkook just can't stop shivering. He just knew that (y/n)'s mom was death after he questioning the scene to head maid.

"Is all my fault..." he mumbled.

"Why am I so weak...why I'm left the house...why can't I fight back..." Jungkook started to cry, but also he felt guilty to cry loudly. He crouched down and hid his face. Suddenly, someone came toward him.

"What are you doing?" He heard a girl's voice. He was too embarrassed and guilty to face her.

"Are you crying?" The girl soften her voice. She crouched down and pat his head.

"Shh... don't cry.. I'm here..."She kept on comforted him. Jungkook loved this feeling and hate it at the same time. The guilty hit him harder when she comforting him. The girl cared at him and didn't even know the truth. 

"Are you feeling better?" She asked sweetly. The voice of the girl made Jungkook felt in love once again, but it's not going to happen after she find out.

Jungkook stopped crying and force a smile. "I'm (not)... better..." the girl gave a smile and giggled. "I never thought someone like you would cry." Jungkook knew she will stop smile at him after. He scared that his first love would hate him forever.

"Where is Suga oppa and mom?" She looked around the living room and turned her head towards him. Jungkook could not handle the guilty anymore, so he decided to spill it out.

"Hey, listen. I know where they are....but you have to be prepare what you listen to later." the girl kept on listening.

"Your...your dead and hyung.. he is in danger..." He bit his lip and continued. "They become like this...because of me... I'm so sorry.." Jungkook cried loudly and startled the maids. The maids rushed over to living room and saw their young mistress look so confused.

"What are you talking about? My mom death and my brother is in danger? Are you talking your stupid drama script again?" She frowned and looked at the maids.

"Is that true?" Her eyes become watery after looking at the maid's shocking expression. The maids just nodded and walked toward them.

"No, you guys are lying. Is not April yet. This joke is suck." She frowned even more.

"Young mistress, I know you don't want to accept it, but it is the truth.." one of the maid cared her cheeks. 

"No liar!" She still couldn't believe it.

"Is the truth!" Jungkook shouted.

"It is..." He felt guity. The girl looked at him with hatred.

"If all of you saying the truth...that's mean you killed them... y-You KILLED THEM! GIVE BACK MY MOM AND MY BROTHER!" She cried while hitting him.

He felt the pain, but not as painful as his heart. He knew that the truth will made her even hate him. He accepted it, is all his fault. Is the truth.

He let her hit him as much as she want without fighting back. The maids quickly pull them away from each other.

She stopped hitting him and lower her head. She said something that hurt him the most, "Jungkook, I hate you. I hope we never even meet. You always ruined everything, even my family. I hate you. I hope we never see each other again." She stomped and left living room. The maid followed her.

The other one kept on stroking Jungkook's shoulders to calm him down. He felt sad and hopeless. His love story have turned into the end. His life changed after that day. He was a murderer back then, that's what he thought.


(Y/n) attended her mom's funeral after the incidence happened in a few days ago. She wear all black with a cold expression decorating her face.

"Oh my god, poor (Y/N). She in such a young age for losing her mother, I bet she is so sad right now." She frowned after hearing the older women huge whispered.

"I heard that her mother was crushed by a car and her brother still in coma. Oh my god, that so horrible." Another women whispered. She glared and both of them became quiet.

Peoples were shocked the dramatic change of (y/n) from a cheerful little girl to a cold blood girl after she lost her mother. She rarely smiled at peoples and her attitude change to a real rude one.

She even hit a girl who tried to bully her in school to hospital. Because of her attitude, the school denial to accept her in order to protect their image. After that, her father send her to home and hired a teacher with high salary.

Of course lots and lots of teachers resigned because couldn't handle her attitude.

But there was a teacher who taught well came and sign up for the job. She knew (y/n)'s condition and willing to help her escaped from the dark. Thank to her, (y/n) finally get away from the darkness and started to smile little by little. She also continued her hobbies and found an excellent job for herself. She was so grateful to the teacher.

Her brother woke up after she change back being herself. She was happy that her brother still alive.

Sadly, the teacher had to leave because of her family issue. Although (y/n) was sad, but she wish the teacher well in the future.

Everything went to normal just like before.


Is been hella long days after the last update. I'm so sorry for not being active on wattpad because of exams 😭

I will become less active this year so don't expect me to update more frequently. (If I got time I will)

Thank you to the readers who willing to wait for me and thank you for reading this cringy story. Sorry for grammar mistakes.
Luv u💜

I'm not a nerd! ||Jimin X Reader  [Super Duper Ultra Slowwwww Update]Where stories live. Discover now