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(Y/N)'s POV

After getting on the bus, I sat with the one and only Wendy in my class. I'm so excited that I want to scream! YASSSSS!! But in silent mode tho. I looked at Wendy, she looked at me like something wrong with face... well...I know my face have thick make up that made me look more ugly..... my normal human face are ugly already ( just her opinion)but my oppa said I'm looks very pretty like a princess. Because of this compliment, I gave him the nickname Suga cause he just as sweet as sugar but not as honey cause he doesn't clingy to me. Plus he also very pale as always.

Then I heard the annoying ass voice again.

"Bae,I want sit with you. Wait.... no, you must sit with me!" She clung to the player. I looked at him, well he seem very pissed up. If I'm him, I would bitch slap her in the face. *Ahem* I mean I would rejected her and seat with other people. Ho ho ho! * put I hand in front of my mouth* Sorry for my rudeness, sometimes people need the let it out before turned too late* dramatic sad music*...okay back to the point!

"Yah, how about me!" Said another annoying ..I mean bi-....girl... voice. Phew that was very hard for me to calm thyself ( 🍒Cherry's ...Oh I mean Terry's fan?) Okay....

"You just sit with random people.." Tzuyu gave her a cold stare but immediately gave him a warm smile. Wow...What a two face bitchass.

"Mhuh, fine!" She sat at a random seat. Suddenly the speaker made a high pitch sound. If you wonder was it higher than their voice, well if I said no that will be the a lie. How can anyone higher than this noisy eardrum blender sound right?

"Attention students! Please sit on your own seat and fasten your seatbelts. Class assistant, please checks whether  everyone is here." Then the class assistant stood up and checked. "All 20 peoples came.. no absentee, teacher." He said.

"Good, now we are going to our destination." Said the teacher happily. Then in our bus everyone just being noisy. Well expect for one person ,Wendy. How can she be asleep when the sound so loud. Sigh...I guess I tried to sleep too... I plugged my headphone into my iphone 7 and started played a calm music (btw turn into the max volume) and went to sleep.

Jungkook's POV

"Damn..this girl is god damn annoying as hell... she kept clingy to me and have sweet talk to me...G R O S S. Everyone knew that all of her actions are fake af. Gosh...I want to end this plan real quick." I thought in my mind. I quickly glared at her, she is playing with her phone...well still clung into my arm... I turned my head to the right side, I saw two sleepy head slept in the bus. How can they slept during this noisy situation? Well F it, I'm going to try to sleep too.

Jimin's POV

I sitting at the back of the bus with the boys. Well no that I didn't like it, but I can't see (Y/N)'s face....erm...'face'. I wonder why see in disguise? She look beautiful and her smile can warm anybody heart.. wait...why my heart beating so fast? Am I getting heart attack?! My parent don't have this kind of sickness! Omg...chill..chill...I breath in and breath out.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked Taehyung.


"Are you sure?" He getting closer to me. I shocked,I just sit still. Then his foreheard touched mine.

"No fever." Then he pull away.  Then we heard some gossips.

"Omg, Vmin is real!"
"My ship is sealing!"
"My heart is Omg...my heart is.."

"Aishh! What's wrong with you!"I hit him in the shoulder.

"Ouchh! I saw your face became red, I thought you were sick." Then he hit me back. So in the 2 hours journey, we kept hitting each other like a kid.

After arrive at the destination, we still hitting each other. Then a voice came out of nowhere.

"Hey, stob it!"

We looked at him and started teasing him. "Eomma, is stop it not stob it." Said Taehyung.

"Yah Kim Taehyung, what do I said. Stop calling me eomma!" Said Jin hyung pissed off. If you dont know, Jin hyung hate to be call eomma, because he is a man not a woman. But we like to tease him by calling him eomma.

"Hyung do you know how to spell stop it?" I asked.

"Of cause I know. S.T.O.P-"

"I.T.!" We said it together. Then we laughed. I can felt everyone are looking at us weirdly but I dont care.

"Hyung, expect form stop it, can spell another word?" The english expert Namjoon asked.

"Of cause! P.I.Z.Z.A pizza! P.A.S.T.A pasta! Wow!" Then we all laughed. Then the teacher started to speak," All right students, please get out from the bus. We are arrive our destination!"


Hello, is me again. Hope you like this boring chapter and make sure hit the vote button and comment how you think. Luv u

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