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I cleaned my wig, then I heard dropping sound. I turn to the sound, I saw Yoongi stood over there shockley.

"(Y/N) is that you?"

After I heard the words coming from his mouth, it left me confused.

"Ya, I'm Kim (Y/N)."

"No.....I'm asking, are you my baby sister? Min(Y/N)?" Said Yoongi seriously.

I want to control my emotion, my eyes betrayed me. I started to tear up. He walked to me closely and hug me tightly.

"I have been missing you, baby." He continued hugged me tightly.

I looked at him, he was smiling at me and kissed my forehead. After that he stroked my head, his expression change a lot.

"Erm...I know it's kinda awkward but sorry for punching you..."

"Nah..is okay Suga oppa,because you helping me after I being punched. I knew my oppa won't be so cruel." I made a weird aegyo face to him.

"Suga oppa? Ah...is been a long time you called me that nickname huh." He continued smiling.

"Ah! I need to clean my wig!" I suddenly shouted.

"Just let your hair out."

"No, I can't."

"Why? Wait.... are you run away from home?" He looked at me straightly.

I nodded. I explained everything to him while cleanning my wig.

"Done! I think you should go back to classroom, or the teacher will though you run away from detention." I said it jokingly.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Bye now." He waved to me.

"Wait! Please do not talk to me at school." I said.

"Mmmm...maybe...." then he ran away.

Yoongi's POV

I went to the classroom, everyone stared at me. It's kinda annoying. "What!" I higher my voice.

"Do you having defecation problem?" Ask Hosoek.

"What?" I made a disgusted face and walked to the seat and sleep. After that, (Y/N) came in. She still wearing that wet wig. Then she went back to her seat.

After school

I walked out from school with BTS members. I looked around and ignored Jin talking. I saw (Y/N). I made an excuse to walked away from them. Then I secretly walked with (Y/N) to her apartment.

At the apartment

"This apartment is so small like you." I grinned.

"Yah!" She punched my chest.

"But it's kinda nice and comfy." I laid down on the sofa lazily.

I looked at her removed her make up and all the disguise. After a few years we didn't meet, she became very beautiful. I kept looked at her,then she stared at me weirdly.

"Why are you keep staring at me?"

"Can't I enjoy the beautiful view in front of me?" I smirked.

"Are you picking up on me oppa? That's just you can do." She made fun of me.

(Y/N)'s POV

He smiled and change topic. "So how about the arrangement? Are you sure you want keep run away from it."

"I don't know." I looked down.

"(Y/N)-ah,I want to ask, the accident that happen 11 years ago..... Is it true what you're saying?"

"To be true, I'm not sure either. I just remember the car accident clearly, but Jungkook... I don't know.." I sighed.

"Then why you tell appa Jungkook push omma?"


"Haizz, come here." He sat up and opened his arm and ready to hug me.

I walked to him and hug back. He stroked my hair and kiss my head gently. I loved this kind of moment, it's made me happy. Then he stood up and said,"I better get going, otherwise they will mad at me."

"Who dare to mad at you." I chuckled.

We said goodbye to each other. I texted to Lisa and Jennie that tomorrow I want go to shopping with them after school.

After a few weeks later
Jungkook's POV

I came to Korea to find (Y/N). I had been missing her a lot after she left home for almost a month. I search from internet where could she been. Aha, I found art high school. Maybe she will be there, because she loved to dance since she was 3 years old. I registered to the school and brought a house.... no is a mansion to live. After that, I will find you (Y/N) and I will make you mine.

End of Jungkook's POV

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