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Jimin's POV

I looked at Yoongi hyung, he looks like going somewhere else. Maybe he just wanna take a walk?

No! *say it in dramatic way* That's not the hyung that I know. He usually said no I'm very sleepy or lazy or something. What if, what if?? * gasp* He tried to change himself.

I staring at him while deeply in thought. He noticed me and looked back with a judgmental face.

"What are you staring at?"

He started covering his body parts and looking at me weirdly. I back to the reality and looked at him in the eyes.

"Ah,hyung....is nothing, I'm just thinking something."

"About?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing..." I walked away from him and got out from the room.

Meanwhile at Yoongi

"Is he crazy or something?"  Judging him from head to toe and continued what he is doing.

Back to Jimin

I sighed. I walked randomly around this area. I turned my phone on and looked at the screen. It's 5:45 p.m.. I turned it off , shoved my phone into my pocket and continue walked along the street.

"Sssshh....Is getting chilly..." I shoved both of my hands inside the pockets and decided get back to my room. I continued walking until I passed by the park.

"Going inside the park for a while, won't hurt right?" I mumbled to myself while smiling like an idot.

The sky started changed to orange colour with a hint of purple. The wind are getting stronger. I sat on the bench under the tree. I closed my eyes and tried to listen to the nature. Is calming me down. I took a deep breath and exhaled it out. Let all the rubbish though out.

Suddenly, I heard a loud yawning sound. I quickly ran and hide myself behind the bushes.

"Wait, why am I hiding?" I thought.

I looked at the person whom just yawning out loud, is that Yoongi hyung?! Why is he doing here? I looked at him just casually sit on the bench that I sat before. He tried to warm himself from the coldness while looked at his Rolex watch and looks like wait for someone.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I heard a voice that came from other direction.

"No, is alright. By the way, it just 5:59p.m.. So you're not late."said Yoongi hyung while spread his arms out for a hug.

The girl walked to him and hugged him ....(Y/N)?! I knew they are dating.... I ..I ....... *sob* *sob*  why an I crying..gosh....I such a cry babby.... *wiping his tears*

"So...why are you inviting me today...brotherrrr"

"Oh...just wanna have some times with my precious little sister, can I?" The he smirked at her.

"Eww...'precious' right..." She seem disgusted.

"You know me so well." He gave her a gummy smile and stroked her hair harshly. Her hair fell down and showed her real silvery hair.

"Hey, stop it!!" She fought back and messing with his hair.

Sister....brother..... "What?!"

I quickly cover my mouth after I noticed it.

"Who's there!"


"I said who's there! Come out!"

Aishhh.....I came out from the bushes.

"Hi hyung..." I smiled at him. I looked at the girl beside him once and looked back at hyung.

"Are you crying?" Said the girl.

"No." I wiped my tears. She passed me a tissue. I accepted it and wiped the tears.

"Why, are you heart broken or something?" Giggled the boy.

Then the tears started flowing again.

"*sob* *sob*"

"Yah! Stop teasing him!" The girl hit the boy's shoulder.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Please stop crying." The boy tried to confront the younger but failed.

"Sigh...you are useless...." the girl looked at the crybaby's face and said, "Is okay to cry.. maybe the girl doesn't deserve with you.... try finding a new girl who know you better...or you didn't even have heart broken right? Is something make you sad?" the girl took another tissue and wiped my tears.

I cry, because I was heartbroken but now is not because that I'm sad, is die from happiness. I'm so happy that she is not belong to anyone yet. I will take this chance to make you mine.


Hello from the other sideeeee~ it's author again. It's been so long ....probably like a month and a week I didn't update...so sorry....
I hope you guys like it and vote this chapter ,comments how you feel and remember follow me.Luv u❤

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