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"Good Afternoon this is KTXR News. It's been a year since the X-Men saved the world from Apocalypse and ever since then the X-men have been saving the world constantly. From bringing in Dangerous criminals to recruiting new mutants our world is-"

The man sitting in front of the tv not paying any attention looked up when the channel changed.

"We interrupt this program to give you breaking new. Today a tragedy has taken place here at Acaptia High. A Dangerous Mutant whose powers have awakened here on this campus results in many injured and in counting and one death so far."

The man turned up the volume as the reporter continued.

"The school is destroyed with the surrounding area of 30 miles out. This new mutant was taken in custody of the X-men who also guided people to safety. But the only description of the new mutant that victims have given to the press were that her eyes glowed Gold and purple. Those colors alternating. Here are some pictures that were taken during the altercation and the aftermath--"

Ignoring the message the man paused the Tv when he saw a girl with one eye Gold and one eye purple on her knees. The Man Smiles and says.

"And so it begins. Welcome back..... My Queen"

AngelFlare (X-Men/Marvel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now