Chapter 29: Betrayal

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"You know Griffin you played us really well." Raven said as she stood outside the cell Grin was locked in.

"Well what do I say. I love playing around with people." Grin said as she sat down in a chair facing Raven.

"How long?" Raven asked.

"How long I've been acting like Angela? Oh do you really want to know......To bad not I'm gonna tell you. Oh wait what am I talking about of course I'll tell you. Since my first date with Peter. I know he's listening. He must be so heartbroken that everything that he thought he was doing with Angela was actually me this whole time." Grin laughed.

Grin heard something break in the other room.

"Must be devastated." Grin smiled.

"Shut up." Raven said.

"You asked." Grin laughed.

"I could kill you." Raven said.

"You can't. If I die Angela dies, if Angela dies I'll go to another body. If I'm expelled from her body Angela will die. I'll still live. That's the Meaning of a Perfect Vessel." Grin smiled.

"Whatever you have planned won't work cause your stuck in here." Raven said.

"Am I though?" Grin smiled. "I'm exactly where I want to be."

Raven watched Grin lean back with a smile on her face.

"What doesn't that mean?" Raven asked.

"Riddles is all your going to get from me. So stop trying." Grin said. "Bye bye."

Raven sneered at the dismissive hand Grin gave her and left the room.

"Did you finish going through her room?" Charles asked Hank as Raven walked into the room.

"Yes but all I found that might be useful was this disk." Hank held up a black round disk.

"Well tell me what you find from it." Charles said as dismissed Hank.

"She is way to comfortable in there." Raven said.

"I know. Have you spoken to Jean?" Charles asked.

"No she still locked in her room. She won't let anyone in." Raven said. "How's Peter."

"What do you think? I think he's handling it better than if it was me." Charles said as he looked at Grin inside the cell.

"We are not getting anywhere with her." Raven said.

"We can only keep trying. It's all we can do for now." Charles said.


Are you in position?

Yes Just give us the signal and we will attack.

Good. Grin are you ready?

I always am. Let's have some fun.

I can wait to see you all together. The Gang back at it again.

Shut up Derek. I'll send Alexander outside. Once you see him go.

Got it Pheon.

Oh Pheon.....


Go crazy.

Always Grin. I always go crazy


"Hey Professor." Grin said as she stood up and walked to the wall of the cell.

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