Chapter 12: Mega AngelFlare

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"Okay so you mean to tell me that there is no way for you to put this on?"

"I'm not wearing that elf outfit Jubilee. We haven't even gotten past Thanksgiving yet." I said.

"Oh come on It's this week. Plus your only trying it on." Jubilee said.

"Fine." I said as I snatched the outfit from her. I walked over to the dressing room to try it on.

It's been a month since Anna's Funeral. The court decision on Anna's case came in Last week. I was able to be there when the final verdict came. Michael had been charged with Manslaughter in the first and second degree. And was sent to prison for 45 years with no choice of getting out on good behavior or bail.

Emilie and her friends were sent to a juvenile facility for 5 years for participating. And Michael's friends were also sent to a Juvenile facility but for 2 years since they were apart of the act but never had a history of bullying other kids before that day. I know right? Seems harsh for just those acts right? Well actually they got off easy in my eyes.

Michael should have spent the rest of his life in prison but since Anna's Parents were being 'nice' they only agreed for that much. If it was me Emilie and her friends would be in prison too but I'm not complaining since their life is basically ruined and over. Once they reach a certain age they would be transferred to prison to serve the rest of their sentence. Also Their parents have to not only pay Anna's family money but they also have to pay my family and pay the school for the damages and pay every student who their children bullied.

And all the teachers who saw the bullying and did nothing have been fired and they will never find another job that deals with teaching. The school also is putting together a program that deals with bullying to prevent it.

I walked out of the dressing room with the elf outfit on.

"I hate you." I said as I looked down at the dress.

"Awww it's so cute." Jubilee said as she walked circles around me.

"Shouldn't we be studying for that test?" I asked.

"Hey, I know I'm going to pass that test. Im actually happy that Professor postponed that test to tomorrow. You weren't ready and with the whole thing going on it gave me extra time to study with you. Which is great but we are more than ready for this test. We are going to pass I can feel it in my bones the. We can join the X-Men power improvements class." Jubilee said.

"I'm already in it." I said

"Yeah but this test is for you to stay there permanently." Jubilee said.

"Yeah your right." I said.

"I can't wait." Jubilee said and stopped walking. "You getting that dress with these stockings and shoes. Oh I almost forgot the Hat."

"Oh my gosh." I said and went back into the dressing room to change out of the dress and put my clothes back on.

"I want to know something Angela." Jubilee said from the other side of the door.

"What?" I asked.

"You and Peter............ what's with that?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"  I asked as I put my shirt back on.

"These past couple of weeks. He's been walking you to and from class." Jubilee stated.

"And?" I asked already knowing what she wanted to know.

"I was just wondering if he liked you and if you liked him back." Jubilee stated.

I didn't respond.

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