Chapter 39: Midnight

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Walking is so easy to do. Just one foot in front of the other. Not that hard right? Well it might be hard if you are learning for the first time. Walk before you can learn how to run. That's what her father always said to her. I guess they never got the memo.

The X-Men charged at Grin as she walked towards them. Charles stayed behind building up power to attack Phoen again. In a second Grin was behind him and grabbed him by the throat.

"I told you not to do it." She whispered as she yanked him up from his chair and threw him behind her. Time slowed down as Quicksilver tried to run past Grin to get to Charles.

"Hi lover boy."

Grin roundhouse kicked Quicksilver and he flew back as time sped up again. Storm flew past Grin and managed to catch Charles as Jubilee shot electricity from her hands.

Absorbing the electricity Grin used it to charge her chain whip and used it against Beast as he jumped from the top of a car to attack Grin. Shocking him Grin used his body as a wreaking ball against Jubilee. Cyclops shot beams at Grin as Mystic came at her.

Grin deflected Cyclops beams and sent some of her beams back at him. As she engaged Mystic. Left block. Right punch. Kick block. They traded blows back and fourth. Grin covered herself in diamonds as The Mase look alike took a swipe at her with his metal claws dodging both attackers and still managing to attack back at Cyclops.

Jumping in the air Grin planted both of her feet into Mystics chest knocking her back a little as she grabbed the Mase look alike by the head and shocked him with her fingers.

Spinning as she fell she made him lose his balance and he fell to the ground. Grin landing like a cat on all fours she kicked up in the air and caught Mystic by the chin.

"Nice name....... Logan." Grin said as she jumped up again and used her chain whip to wrap around Cyclops neck.

He started choking as she tightened the chain around his throat. Yanking him down to the ground Grin kicked him in the face as Beast got her in a head lock from behind. Grin managed to to move a car I front of her and used it as a launch pad and vaulted over Beast.

Kicking him in the back he hit the car. Grin grabbed him by the back of his throat and threw him back into a building. Grin heard some people scream as he crashed through the window. Wind took Grin off her feet as Storm blew her into a puddle and shocking her with her lighting. Nightcrawler appeared next to Grin and managed to kick her in the face.

Nightcrawler kept popping up in random places around Grin hitting her as much as he could as Charles prepared for another attack. After a few minutes Grin finally figured out where he would appear next and caught him by the tail. Yanking him back Grin used him as a shield against another one of storms lighting bots.

"Try mine for a size." Grin said as she threw Nightcrawler aside.

A lighting bolt appeared in her hands and she threw it at Storm who tried to doge only for the bolt to follow her like a heat missile. Grabbing a stop sign Grin appeared in front of Charles and hit him as if he was a baseball. Grin heard a snap as Charles arm went limp. Before she could relax she dodged a couple more strikes from Logan and kicked the top of his head. He fell face down to the ground.

"And stay down." Grin said as she used her power to restrain them all.

Even though Magneto had passed out she restrained him also.

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