Chapter 7: Theory

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"You have the results?" Charles asked Hank as he rolled into the room.

"Yes but I have a hypothesis about something and I don't think you will like it." Hank said as he turned away from the screen.

"How bad is it?" Raven asked sitting in a chair.

"Apocalypse bad." Hank said.

"What do you mean?" Charles asked.

"Let me start from the beginning." Hank said handing Raven and Charles a piece of paper that had data on it.

"When I monitored Angela's mind I found some irregular activity while her powers were active. I knew I saw something similar in someone else. So I looked in old files." Hank said handing Charles the old file.

"Jean..." Charles said looking over the papers . "So what is it the Phoenix too?"

"No someone or something completely different. Raven found it weird how quickly Angela is adjusting to this situation. I suspect it's not Angela but whatever is in her mind it's controlling her." Hank said showing them the scan reports "I found it really weird on how Jean and Angela immediately clicked and how they check and balance each other. I think these entities know each other."

"How so?" Raven asked.

"When the professor asked Jean to find a way past Angela's barrier it seemed like it was too easy. It's as if it knew and wanted to confirm if it was the Phoenix or not." Hank said. "You said that the Phoenix has been around for years. But what if it's been around longer than that? What if it existed on another planet?"

"Okay that's kind of out there." Raven said with a small laugh.

"Let him finish." Charles said not completely believing it.

"I know it sounds crazy but here me out." Hank said. "Think about it. Apocalypse. What happened to put him in power thousands of years ago? Well here's the answer Phoenix and this unknown entity. These two have powers individually that can destroy the world. But why are they not in solid form? Because their bodies died in space or another plant. Let's take Mars for an example. There might have been life on Mars but it's wiped out barren. I think the Phoenix and this entity destroyed Mars and I also think they destroyed Jupiter. We all ready know that the Phoenix is not of this world. Theses entities can never die. So they travel until one day they can't stand each other and they battle it out. These entities use to have a body and I think they were friends."

"Why would they fight each other then? They are friends. Why destroy plants? I don't understand?" said Raven

"Because I suspect that when the Phoenix and this entity fought against each other the first time. They weren't  friends. During their first life the Phoenix and this entity they were really close.  They were really friends but when they died and passed on into another body these two entities did not know each other. Something happened. One wanted to destroy the world the other wanted to save it." Hank said. "Let's just say that was when the first apocalypse happened on Mars. They ended up killing each other. And Only a few survived. The people who survived managed to build another world without them. But when the entities moved on to another body those entities this time were friends. They thought that the world was misled so they destroyed it.........Together eliminating  all life on Mars and Jupiter. And now they're here on earth preparing for another apocalypse."

"OK so where does apocalypse fit into this?" ask Charles "I mean apocalypse has been in power for a long time. He was buried underground. What does this have to do with the Phoenix and this entity?"

"Simple. Because he witnessed  the first two apocalypses and he wanted a third." Hank said.

"The first two?" Raven asked.

"Yes the first two caused by the Phoenix and this entity. Think about it there are towns underwater and underground. I think this was caused by those two." Hank said. "I think there is a pattern. The first apocalypse they were friends and flooded the world. Then the apocalypse after that They hated each other and a buried the world underground. Now they're friends. I think they're going to destroy this world together. I mean Angela already had. Sorry Has the motive to destroy the world. All that she needs is for the Phoenix to have a reason too. Honestly I don't think there's anything we can do about it. This world is going to be destroyed. Unless we do something about it."

"Makes sense. But we don't know for sure. Plus I think the Phoenix already has a reason. The Phoenix thinks darkly already. I think the only way we'll know for sure is if we find some type away to communicate with these entities." Charles said while thinking. "Alright I believe you for now . But lets continue to keep this information in the back of our minds. We can't let Angela or Jean find out about this. Hank can you make something or figure out a way to help us communicate with this entity inside Angela?"

"Yeah it will take some time but it's possible." Hank said looking at the data.

"So I guess the main question now is. What are we going to do now? If this entity is controlling the way Angela thinks. And her emotions. Then I'm pretty sure she doesn't know about the entity inside her let alone that its controlling her?" Raven asked.

"Yeah I don't think she know that either. Right now we need to focus on getting her mind back the way it was before her powers awakened and this entity started controlling her." Charles said.

"And how do we do that?" Raven asked.

"I don't think we can do anything but guide her. She will have to realize it on her own." Charles said. "Don't leave these papers laying around. I don't want any of the kids finding out."

"Okay." Hank said and collected the papers.

"Let's hope the entities don't take control of Angela and Jean or we are all doomed." Charles mumbled and left.


Hey the next two Chapters will be up on Friday enjoy 😊 don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow. Also add this story to your library so you know when it updates.


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