Chapter 21: Potential Sacrifice?

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"YOU LITTLE RAT SNIFFER!" A voice boomed through and unrecognizable room.

A man jumped up from behind a device he was working on.

"Mom?" He rubbed his eyes to see clearly.

"I am not your mother you idiot!" The voice came closer to him.

"But why can't you be? I would love for you to be my mom."

"DEREK! I am not in the mood for your stupid games!" Angela said grabbing him by the back of the neck. "What did I say about torturing my host?"

"You said not to. But...."

"No Buts! I mean what I say. I'll skin you alive and leave you to die." Angela said.

"But Grin she has a pretty scream. Ahh I wish I recorded that." Derek said.

"You almost ruined everything." Angela said as she let him go.

Angela walked over to the Device.

"Was it you who helped me get out?" Angela asked.

"No it wasn't me. But may I ask where is Angela?" Derek asked.

"She's sleeping." Angela said.

"For good?" Derek asked.

"No until this device is done." Angela said sitting down in front of the device."Who is the sacrifice?"

"We don't......... Have ....... One yet...." Derek said in a low voice.

Angela turned to face him with yellowish gold glowing eyes full of anger.

"Do I have to do everything around here!" Angela screamed at him.

"No I'll find one." Derek said.

"Forget it! I'll do it. We can't complete the device with out knowing who the sacrifice is." Angela stood up.

"But how can you find one without giving away who you are?" Derek asked.

"Easy." Angela changed her yellowish gold eyes into the same purple ones as her host."They tell us apart by the color of our eyes when we use our powers. All I have to do is make it look like hers."

"Ooooh Smart but who will the sacrifice be?" Derek said.

"I go to a school filled with sacrifices but one of those people helped me escape by switching the formula. I find them the device is a go." Angela said walking to the door.

"What about the Phoenix?" Derek asked.

"Don't worry. In time she will be here. Once she is then the plan will charge forward." Angela said as she opened the door." Just finish your part and I'll do mine."

"Bye see you soon." Derek yelled as the door shut behind her. Derek looked down at the part of the device he was working on to see it was completed.

"Well all that's left for me to do is to find the spot she used years ago."

Derek grabbed his Jacket and his map and left the room.


Angela walked into the danger room the next day to see Jubilee just finishing her session.

"Hey! I'm so tired from this session. I hope you do well." Jubilee said.

"Oh I will." Angela said as the doors opened again.

"Angela you were supposed to meet Moira this morning for......."

"You don't need to worry Charles I don't have the headaches anymore." Angela said as she put her hair up in a ponytail.

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