Chapter 50: Can We Start Over?

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"Why won't she wake up? It's been two weeks." Peter asked as he paced around the medical room of the X-Mansion.

"Derek said it will take time. We got the device and she is healed. We just need to keep her in there until she wakes up." Jean said.

"Are we really trusting his word?"Jubilee asked.

"If there's one thing I figured out is that Derek cares for The Griffin and what she cares about is her perfect vessel Angela. It will work. Just needs more time." Katherine said checking on the machine that Angela was in.

"And if she doesn't wake up?" Kurt asked.

"I'll skin him alive. And then kill him." Katherine and Logan said at the exact same time.

"I can't take this anymore." Peter said and left the medical room.

"I'll go check on him." Scott said as he got up and followed him out the room.

"He said that she will suffer from temporary memory loss?" Jubilee asked.

"Yes but we won't know how big it will be until she wakes up." Katherine said.

"Well we need to finish moving her stuff to her new room...... do you think she will like her new room?" Kurt asked.

"Of course. We helped design it. It's something old in the new world. Something she is familiar with. She will love it." Katherine said as she put the chart down.

"How are you going to talk to her?" Jean asked.

"I don't know. How would you feel if your younger sister is older than you and you missed all the important events of her life?" Katherine said as she looked at Jean.

"Not all the important events." Jean said.

"Yes but promises were broken. She will probably become unstable. Especially once she hears about Mom and Dad." Katherine said.

"That's why we are here. Let's Go." Jean said as she left with Kurt and Jubilee.

Katherine and Logan sat in silence not saying a word until Katherine broke the silence.

"I hate seeing her like this. What if she doesn't want to wake up? What will I do then?" Katherine said in a low voice.

"Only time will tell." Logan said as he got up and held the door open. "You need to eat. Let's go."

Katherine sadly walked out of the room with Logan leaving Angela in the room by herself.


It's too hot! Why is it so hot in here? I opened my eyes to see the ceiling. I tried to sit up but I head butted glass. Oh my god did I die?

I started to panic. I looked around the coffin like case I was in and saw an opening and lifted the top off me. As soon as the lid was open I was hit with a wave of noise. I could hear everything! People talking! Eating! Toilets flushing. And on top of that I could hear everyone thoughts. I rolled out of the machine and fell to the floor. I ripped the wires off me and tried to stand only to collapse on to the floor again.

Their coming! I crawled to the table in front of me and pulled myself up to stand. Using the walls I made my way to the door. Forcing it open I pushed myself away from the wall and started running down the hall. The front door! I visualized the front door and teleported to where it was. I appeared at the bottom of the main stairs on the first floor. I fell to the floor and pushed myself to stand up.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Someone yelled in my direction.

"Too loud!" I screamed and I sent that person flying down the hall and they crashed into a bookshelf.

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