Chapter 49: Grin Vs Angela

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"Now that's what I like to see!" Grin yelled as she came after me.

I flew high above the bridge and raised more water to trap her.

She evaded the water and shot fire and lighting at me. I surrounded myself with water and froze it as the fire and lighting hit. Unfreezing the water and absorbing the electricity with the water I sent the water and lighting at Grin electrifying her.

Grin growled in anger as she lifted a car from the bridge and threw it at me.

Time slowed as I dodged the car and saw a couple still in the car.

"No!!" I tried to catch the car as it flew past me but it took me with it. Before it crashed in the middle of the river I used my power to keep it up.

" Your stretching yourself too thin. One more thing and BOOM you will break." Grin laughed as she made ice spikes and laughed as she threw them at me.

Before the ice could reach me it exploded.

"I got them focus on her." The robot said as it flew off with the car.

I was distracted long enough for Grin to kick me down into the river.

Let's end this!

Planting my feet into the bottom of the river I gathered as much strength I could and shot up out of the water and punched the floating Grin up into the sky. Before she recover I thrusted a lighting bolt in her stomach. I coughed up blood as Grin prevented the bolt from going any deeper by grabbing my wrists.

"Stop! If you go any deeper you will die!" Grin yelled.

"And so will you." I said as I tried to push it in deeper.

"NO!" Grin yelled.

I felt her hold on the bridge disappeared as she focused all of her attention on me.

The cars floated down to the bridge and the water surrounding the bridge fell away as I also released my hold on the bridge. I looked down at the bridge to see some of my friends helping the people still trapped.

"All eyes on you." I said as I put my full attention on Grin.

The power struggle began as we tried to over power each other.

I made a metal center in the lighting bolt. I looked down and saw I was bleeding.

"Stop it!" Grin screamed as she hit me with a power wave.

"Why should I? So you can destroy everything? No it's better off to end you. Here and Now!" I screamed back at her.

"You know it won't end the way you want it to! I'll just move to a new body!" Grin said.

"Not if I kill you." I said.

"You don't know how." Grin smiled.

"Your right but you will lose your perfect vessel. And one of your requirements is to have someone who looks like your original parent for it to work. Since your dad never got a proper burial my mom is the only one who qualifies! And I know she isn't having children any time soon so you are out of luck!" I said as I hit her with a power wave of my own.

"I won't die! Not with out it! My Revenge!" Grin yelled.

"You are so stupid! You think destroying planets will make you more powerful than him? You are just making his job easier!" I screamed at her.

"I'm not doing his work!" Grin screamed at me.

"Yes you are! Let me help you! Obviously things are not working your way. Because if it was you wouldn't be here in this position." I said.

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