Chapter 11: Goodbye Anna

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"Are you ready for this?"

"Even if I'm not Im gonna have to do this anyway." I said as I stood outside a door inside the church.

"Well I'm here for you."

"I know Peter. You always are." I said with a smile.

"Just take a deep breath and go." Peter said.

"Okay." I said and counted to three.




I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard a deep voice say.

"It's Angela Kealoah." I announced.

The door opened and I saw Zack standing there.

"Hey Angela. It's nice to see you." He looked behind me. "Who are you?"

"My name is Peter Maximoff. I'm with the X-Men." He replied.

"Okay....... Please come in." Zack said opening the door wider so we could go inside.

I walked in to see Anna's parents sitting on a couch facing the window. Anna's mom was holding a picture and crying while Anna's father held her.

"Mom, Dad, its Angela." Zack said while closing the door.

"Mr and Mrs. Huntington." I said.

"Oh Angela please come sit down." Mrs. Huntington said as she looked up from the picture.

I sat across from them with my back to the window and Peter stood by the window looking outside. Zack sat next to me and the room filled with silence. No one said a word for a while. A Few more minutes passed by until the silence was finally broken.

"Why?" Mr. Huntington asked. "Why couldn't you tell us?"

"We wanted to but we couldn't...."

"No. I won't accept that answer. My Daughter is gone because you guys wouldn't tell us!" Mr. Huntington yelled.

"DAD!" Zack yelled back.

"Calm Down! Angela is hurting as much as we are." Mrs. Huntington said to her husband. She turned to me. "Please Angela explain."

"We weren't the only ones who got that treatment. There were others. They told their parents and took it to the school. But it only made it worse. Their parents would pay off the victims to keep them quiet and if they didn't accept the money they get blackmailed until they either leave the school or go into home tutoring. Even when the parents took them out of school they still ended up moving away. We thought that if we had each other then we could survive and beat it." I explained looking at my hands.

"And look where that ended up." Mr. Huntington mumble.

"Dad! It's not Angela's fault. It's that school and those parents. It's their fault." Zack explained. "I say we continue the lawsuit and get justice."

"I'm really sorry." I looked up to them with tears in my eyes. "I never wanted this to happen."

"No one wanted it Angela. But it happened. The only thing we can do is move on and survive." Mrs. Huntington said. "I believe that she would have wanted you to have these."

Zack passed me a cardboard box.

"It's interesting. We read all of her journals except this one." Mrs. Huntington opened the box and pulled out a journal.

"We couldn't open it." Zack said. "Figured the only person she wanted to read it was the only other person who knew the password."

Mrs.Huntington passed me the journal. I wiped my tears and held the familiar journal.

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