Chapter 13: Special Assignment

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We walked out of the room and went to get our gloves and devices.

"These will keep you connected to everyone. Just put this in your ear." Ororo said.

"These are your gloves. Can't have you leaving fingerprints." Jean said handing me matching gloves to my outfit.

"I'm trying to figure what the scales are for?" Ororo said.

"Oh this." I said and touched them.

They expanded and took form of scaled wings.

"I know it seems a lot but it's actually gonna come in useful in the future. I'm able to manipulate them however I please. That's what the voice explained to me." I returned them to the shoulder pads.

"Cool." Jean said as I put on the gloves and put in the ear device.

"Can you hear me?" Ororo asked in the ear device.

"Yup." I replied.

"Alright let's go." Jean said.

We returned to the garage to see the boys waiting for us.

"Alright let's go." Raven from inside the jet.

We all took our seats inside the jet.

"You look nice." Peter whispered to me.

"Thanks." I replied in a whisper.

The jet took off and she started to explain the special assignment.

"There has been suspicious activity in the Amazon Rainforest. Your assignment is to check it out and report back what you find. Please don't start conflict unless it's absolutely necessary." Raven said and put the plane on auto pilot. "We will reach our destination in 20 minutes. Here is a map of where each of you will be. Angela, Jean, and Ororo will take the west side while the boys will take the east. Since I see nowhere to land on the west side you guys will have to find your way down there. The meeting point will be here."

Raven pointed to the middle of the map and circled it.

"How about you drop us off in different parts of the west side. Like here , here and here?" Jean suggested pointing at the north west, west, and south west part of the forest.

"Yeah more ground will be covered and us girls will meet up before going to the spot." Ororo said.

"I agree." Raven said. "I'll do that. Keep your com's on and contact us if you see anything suspicious."

"Okay." We all said.

"It's time." Jean said.

"I'll go first." Storm said and opened the door and flew off.

"I'll take the southwest." I said as I pointed to where I wanted to be on the map.

"Why?" Jean asked.

"It's a larger area than the middle and with my powers I can check the whole area in no time." I said.

"True. Fine Jean will take the middle and AngelFlare will take the Southwest." Raven said as she returned to the pilot seat and take control over it again. "Jean your drop off spot is coming up soon."

"Alright." She replied and stood by the door while the guys choose the area they wanted.

"Okay here is the problem I can't fly!" Cyclops said as he look at where he was on the map.

"They will figure something out. I can't fly either but I'll find a way." Quicksilver said.

"Jean it's time." Raven said.

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