Chapter 1: Anna

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It was a normal day at school today. As always people were still talking about the X-Men and how they saved the world from Apocalypse. It's been a year since that happened. Sitting at my desk I look at the board to see the date. September 29th 1984.

"Did you see the news last night Angela?" Anna my best friend asked sitting next to me.

"Yes I did." I said as I pulled my notebook and pen out of my bag.

"The X-Men stopped Magneto again. I wonder what's up with that?" Anna wondered. "I mean didn't he use to be with them? Why is he going against them now I mean........... Ahhhhhh I don't understand it makes my brain hurt just thinking about it."

"Maybe it's difference in opinion? Honestly... I don't know." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"Well like they always say when someone much badder comes along and they team up they are unstoppable. It's like they check and balance each other." Anna said looking out the window. "I wanna meet them just once before I die."

"Hopefully you won't have too. Because if you do then you will be in the middle of something bad and you will most likely die. Not that I'm complaining the world would be much better without you. Feel free to tag along Angela. You won't be missed." Emilia the school's popular girl said to us. "But if you guys do die then I won't be able pick on you anymore. I'll have to find someone else but.... That won't be hard." She said as she tripped Ethan.

His books and stuff scattered all over the floor.

"Don't worry Angela I'm fine." Ethan said to me as I jumped up to help him.

"This makes me so mad." I said as I helped him with his stuff.

"Just bear with it soon we will be free from here." Anna whispered as she helped too.

I felt something cold being poured over my head.

"Oops. My Bad!" Emilia said with a smile.

I tried to keep a strong face. But I could stop from tearing up. 2 more years. Can I hold out for that long? I looked at Anna as Emilia's friends poured water on her head. At least it was only water this time.

"Oh you missed a spot right there." Michael Emilia's boyfriend and football team captain said as he pointed at Ethan.

"What Are a you Guys Doing?" The Teacher shouted as she walked into the class.

"Oh I accidentally spilt my water on Angela and Anna." Emilia said in a innocent voice.

"And Ethan slipped because of the water." Michael said.

"Oh okay well hurry up and get that cleaned so we can start class." The teacher said as she turned to write on the chalkboard.

Ethan finished gathering his stuff and went to his seat while Anna and I returned to our seats. I pulled out some towels I took from home and handed it to Anna.

"Thank you." She whispered as we dried most of our wet hair and as much clothing as we could.

I looked at my long brown hair and looked at Anna's long red hair and smiled. I loved how we kinda stood out with our waist length hair.

"Today we are learning about the truth of what happened to Captain America. In 1944 there was a war. Reportedly Captain America Died when the plane crashed somewhere in the arctic. But there are theories floating around that he didn't die instead............He froze." The teacher said.

"How is that possible?" Someone asked as pencil smacked my head from behind.

"Well there were experiments done. There was a syrum that made Captain America the way he is." The teacher explained ignoring a paper ball thrown from the front of the class that smacked Anna square in the face.

AngelFlare (X-Men/Marvel Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora