I decide to call Shani, Melanie and my sister over for some food. With a smile on my face, I talk to my son until our guests come and he opens the door.

I am greeted with Shani, Deon, Melanie and my sister. I hug them and let them in.

“So where’s the husband?” Deon asks

“Not here apparently… Where were you guys today?”I ask looking at Melanie and Serenity and him as well.

“I had a date today”My sister says

“I was sleeping” Deon says

“I was working.”

“And you guys couldn’t come to church for two hours?”” I ask

“No mommy church is boring…” Isaiah says and everyone laughs.

“Isaiah no one asked you… Go to your room with Elijah please.” I say and he does but complains.

“No buts.”

He huffs and then walks away but my sister calls him.

“Isaiah, where’s my hello?”She asks sounding insulted.

“Auntie you didn’t say hi to me.”

“Because I’m grown… You need to say hi to everyone.”

“Hi Auntie Serenity.” He says simply.

“Boy come give me a kiss.”

He grimaces, “I don’t want to.”

She laughs and scoops him up and kisses him, “Stop playing, hopefully when this baby is born he won’t be as stubborn as you.”

“Wait what baby?” Melanie asks.

“Oh… Mine.” My sister says shyly as she drops my son and looks at us.

“I’m going with the kids because this is too much for me.” Deon says as he gets up because he know we’re about to go crazy.

“Don’t tell anyone.”

“Yeah yeah…”Deon says and then closes the door.

“Who’s the father?”Melanie asks.

“Who do you think?” My sister says.

“I don’t know, after you and Jordan broke up you went on quite a few dates…” Mel adds quickly.


So a good month ago, Serenity and Jordan had broken up because they want to experience dating other people because they feel they have been together for too long. So my sister and Jordan as well have been seeing other people. This has caused Melanie to be a bit cold towards my sister at times, but I understand.

“You know damn well this baby’s Jordan’s.” My sister says.

“Melanie for how long have you known.” I ask her.

“A week.”

“You’ve known for a week and have you told my brother?”


“And when do you plan on it?”

“When the baby’s born.”

“Serenity trust me, hiding a pregnancy from the baby’s father is not a good thing. I mean look at how messy things with Deon and I were. You can’t do that to him.” Shani says.

“Alright, I’ll tell him.”

“Soon. I don’t want you to be hiding my brother’s baby from him.”

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