"She has no limits?"

"Oh, she does. Like, she can't see the wolves. And she can only see something someone has decided to do."

"Wow! And you...you're not even a full vamp, yet you have talents! It's not fair," she pouts, looking unbelievably beautiful.

"Well, my power isn't all that great-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I hear footsteps approaching my room. Castella brushes her lips against mine quickly before making her escape out the window. A nurse opens my door, looking around perplexed.

"Can I help you, miss?" I ask as innocently as I can.

"Sorry, Mr. Black. I thought I heard voices. Dr. Cullen said you wouldn't have any visitors."

"Oh," I breath, faking a laugh. She smiles and comes closer to check on me. "Umm, did C-my dad say when he'd be back?"

She looks at her watch, "He should be here by eight. So about thirty minutes?"

"Wait, isn't it night?"

"No. It's 7.30 in the morning." She smiles and walks over to my window, pulling back the curtains. Sunshine floods my room, and I'm thankful I barely even shine in the sun, otherwise that would totally freak her out. She then draws the curtains. "Dr. Cullen said you can be discharged at noon. Some of your brothers will come pick you up. So you should rest. Your eyes are a little bloodshot."

She smiles kindly then leaves the room. I can't believe I talked to Castella for so long! I close my eyes and drift off to an uneasy sleep, tossing and turning.


I'm standing in a clearing with my family all around me. Everyone seems tensed. I ask mum what's going on, but she just cups my face and kisses my forehead. She grabs onto dad's hand and doesn't let go. Everyone is holding onto their mate, as if worried something was going to happen.

Then I see a...black cloud? No...a black body heading in our direction. Mum and dad step in front of me. Bella and Edward are in front of them. My family surrounds me, making a sort of circle around me. What the heck?!

Then the smell hits my nose. Vampires? The black body...it's a group of vampires!

I stand awestruck at the display that meets my eyes. There are at least 45 vampires before us. We're outnumbered four to one!

From the whole group of vampires, one steps forward. He pulls back his cloak, the deepest black, but I can't see his face...it's almost as if someone blurred his face. Everything else is clear. I glance at the rest of the hostile vamps. I can't see any of their faces. What's going on?

"Carlisle, once again, you meet me, ready to do battle," the stranger says, I can almost see a sardonic smile!

"My old friend, again, I am not here to fight you. I am here to prove to you that you have come for the wrong reason, once again," Carlisle murmurs in a steely voice. "Take my hand, old friend, I'll show you." He holds out his hand for the stranger to take.

Just watching Carlisle so close to the stranger sends me into a sort of panic.

"Carlisle, the time has come for you to bow down to the Volturi," again the stranger says in a weak, brittle voice. He then steps back towards the line of bodies.

"I want Edward, his beautiful mate, Bella, the small one, Alice and the half-blood in the middle," his weak voice calls out, full of excitement. "The others are for you, my pets."

His orders are greeted by a series of growls and snarls. My family tenses, ready for a fight. And then I see his eyes, milky. What vampire has milky eyes? His long black hair hangs limply, framing his face. I don't recognise him...he obviously knows my family, why don't I know who he is?

Yet Another Cullen/Black (A Twilight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now