"Just finish the formalities and let me leave. I don't want to be party to this wedding." said Omkara.

This encouraged Kali Thakur further, for Kali Thakur was one of those men who derived maximum pleasure by putting people through pain, he was a sadist, and a cruel one at that.

"Then you must stay for the wedding. I won't hand over the final contract till you at least stay for the pre-wedding festivities. After all you must see my bride, such a beautiful girl, I bet even your city girls would pale in comparison." Kali Thakur said in a mock request. 

The girl.... yes, the girl who refused to take his money. The girl who thrashed his car with a bulldozer. The girl who kept his phone safe and returned it to him. Would that girl willingly agree to marry this man, double her age, for expensive jewels and clothes? She didn't seem a girl like that. 

But then Omkara remembered what the lady in the hospital has said about that girl being from humble origins, and how she might be a social climber. Riddhima was a social climber. Omkara thought he knew Riddhima well, she was his girlfriend of three years, she brought him out of drug addiction, moreover she was a social and environmental activist. But then she also used Omkara's surname for her agenda and colluded with his father to make Omkara the heir by deceit. 

Omkara remembered how that girl came quietly with Kali in the jeep yesterday night, decked in bridal clothes. The girl who could fight him over her shop, was she not able to fight Kali? Or could she not resist? 

All these cross-facts did not add up. He was missing something here, what was the truth? 

Omkara decided it might be better to stay back for the wedding festivities to figure out the truth. 

He nodded his head at Kali Thakur who looked pleased. 

"You" Kali called a servant "Take care of Omkara saab, serve him refreshments. If he lacks for anything, I will make sure you never see your family again." Kali Thakur smiled as he ordered the servant. 

Yes, it was the right decision to stay back and investigate the truth, thought Omkara, horrified by how Kali ordered his servants.


 Gauri forced herself to sleep last night. After Kali Thakur abducted her and reached his mansion, he lifted Gauri from the jeep and pulled her to one of the inner rooms in the mansion. 

Tying her chain to the bedpost of a huge antique bed, he threatened, "Remember Gauri, one false move and your mother will never see the Sun God again. Go to sleep now, I want my Bulbul to look ravishing tomorrow." he smiled his twisted smile as he said this. 

Kali Thakur locked the room from outside before leaving.

Gauri tried to find something sharp to cut through the chain, but she came across nothing. Her phone was back in the house with her aunt. She was trapped, but Gauri was not one to give up so easily. 

There was nothing much she could do until morning. She decided it would be best to sleep and conserve her energy for her escape tomorrow. Somehow she managed to lie on the bed, and put herself to sleep. She traced the word 'SHANKARJI' with her fingers on the pillow. It was something she used to do as a child whenever she felt scared after listening to stories of ghosts and spirits narrated by an old lady on the village market square. She believed that it protected her from being abducted by ghosts at night. She was abducted by a real life monster now, but she had vishvaas, faith that her Shankarji would save her again, like he did when she was a kid. As long as Shankarji was with her, no one could defeat them. She slept off thinking of escape plans. 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now