Wedding (10k shot)

Start from the beginning

"She's right. Evan is so in love with you." Alana said. Zoe smiled.

"Well that's good. I would hope he is. He is choosing to marry me after all." She said. Alana and Meredith laughed.

So we were thinking. You have something new, something blue, and something borrowed." Alana said. Zoe looked at them.

"What's blue?" Zoe asked.

"Your nails are getting painted light blue. Evan's favourite colour." Meredith said. Zoe nodded.

"Okay, so you were saying." Zoe said.

"You don't have something old. So Alana and I did some digging on both sides of your family. And we found this." Meredith said, pulling a box from behind her back. Zoe opened it and gasped.

Inside the box was a silver necklace with a sapphire pendant and a matching set of earrings.

"Oh my god, you guys. They're beautiful. I don't know what to say." Zoe said. Meredith clipped the necklace on and Zoe put the earrings in.

"It matches your engagement ring perfectly." Alana said. Zoe smiled and hugged both Alana and Meredith.

"Thank you! You guys have made this day absolutely perfect and the best part hasn't even happened." Zoe said. Alana smiled.

"You deserve the best Zoe. And Meredith and I are the best." Alana said smiling. Zoe smiled and hugged them both again.

"I love you guys." Zoe whispered.

"We love you too Zo."


"Okay pumpkin, lets do this." Larry said. Zoe adjusted her veil and turned to her father.

"I love you Dad." Zoe whispered.

"I love you too pumpkin." He said. The music started and Zoe watched as Meredith and Alana started walking down the aisle.

"Here we go pumpkin." Larry said. Zoe smiled and the pair started walking down the aisle towards Evan.

Once they got there, Larry kissed Zoe on the cheek and squeezed her hand.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too Dad." Zoe whispered back. She stepped up to be level with Evan and handed her bouquet to Alana before grabbing Evan's hands. She wiped away Evan's tears and smiled.

"Oh my god you look absolutely stunning." Evan whispered.

"Says you." Zoe said. The officiant, Evan and Zoe's friend Lillian smiled and cleared her throat.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the union of Evan Hansen and Zoe Murphy. When I first met Evan and Zoe, they had just started dating, and I honestly wasn't sure they would last. Yet here we are, 6 years later. And these two crazy kids are getting married. If anyone knows of any legal reason why these two may not be married today, please speak now."

The room was silent and Lillian smiled.

"Wonderful. Evan, Zoe, do you stand here today to give yourselves to each other in marriage." Lillian asked. Evan and Zoe looked at each other and nodded.

"We do." They said simultaneously.

"Okay, now for the vows. Evan, you'll be going first." Lillian said. Evan smiled and turned to Zoe.

"Okay, Zoe, I promise to love you, to cherish you, to take care of you, to listen to you, and to get you chicken nuggets when you need them. You are my rock, the light of my life, and my soulmate. I've always had dreams and things I've aspired to do. But then I met you. You are my dream and every single day I thank God, or science, or the Force for giving you to me. I love you so much and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Evan said. Zoe smiled and Evan wiped away her tears.

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