"What nonsense are you blabbering? What do you mean you 'sold' me?" asked Gauri, anxiety seeping through her voice. 

"I meant what I meant. You caught Kali Thakur saab's eyes. He named a price, and we agreed. Get ready to become the new Thakurain." replied her chaacha, smirking.

"What have you fools done? I'm a human being, not cattle, you can't sell me to anyone!" asserted Gauri, with more confidence than she felt. Her insides were shrinking, these two had sold her to...Kali Thakur, the unsaid Don of the village. No one dared to cross his paths.

Lost in her momentary fear, she did not see her chaacha's hand flying to hit her. He slapped her with so much force that she fell to the ground. 

Gauri's Maa immediately crouched to help her daughter. She looked up and pleaded with her in-laws. "Please don't hurt my daughter. Please tell me you're kidding. Please help us, don't do this to us." she said begged, tears running down her face.

But Gauri's chaacha-chaachi only laughed cruelly looking down at the sight below them.

Gauri got up and helped her mother get up. Looking at her mother, she said, "Maa, jiske Shivji rakshak, uska kaun bhakshak? (The one who is protected by Shivji, who can devour them?)"

"Accha? Aisa hai kya? (Really? Is it so?)" a lazy, menacing voice sounded at the doorstep of their courtyard. Kali Thakur had arrived. 

Fear rooted Gauri to the spot. No, this could not be happening to her. After everything, after avoiding the tragedy in her childhood, she could not be 'sold' now, to this monster. Gauri looked for escape routes, but she there was none. Her aunt and uncle were standing behind and Kali Thakur and his henchmen ahead. Even if by some miracle, she managed to evade them, her weak and fragile mother won't be able to make it. She was trapped! 

Kali Thakur asked his henchmen to switch on their torches and shower some light.

He walked up to her and touched her cheek. His touch was light, but Gauri started shaking uncontrollably. 

"What happened to her face? It looks like someone hit her." Kali Thakur sounded angry. 

Now Gauri's chaacha also started quaking in his knees. Kali Thakur walked up to him slowly and smiled. 

"Kya karte ho chaachaji? (What did you chaachiji?)" he smirked, and then suddenly hit chaacha with such force, that his cheek got a cut and he started bleeding. 

"I didn't pay so much money for this girl, to have you idiots hit her and spoil her face. The entire village should be envious of me when they look at her. I don't want her damaged." he said angrily.

Kali turned his attention to Gauri's mother, who could barely stand due to fear for her daughter. 

"See how much I care for the well-being of your daughter. You'll never find a son-in-law like me." he smiled evilly. 

Kali Thakur went back to his jeep and returned with heavy chains. 

"No...no!!!" Gauri started shouting. 

"Don't shout, Bulbul. This is necessary to keep you under control." he said, bending to tie bind her feet in the chains, and caressing her feet lightly as he did so, which creeped out Gauri further. 

"See to mollify you, I've got this." From his voluminous pockets he took out a heavy golden bangle which he fitted in her tiny hands forcefully. Next he unfolded a bright red dupatta, with heavy embroidery and draped it over her head. covering her like a bride. 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now