I grabbed unto his hand with him holding firmly unto mine until I was in the boat and for that brief contact, my hand felt all tingly and warm. Whatever this was, it had to stop, I thought to myself as I rubbed my palms on my dress. Yale, out of nowhere brought out a life vest and made his way over to where I stood. He opened it before asking me to lift my arms so he could secure it on me like I was a kid. Annoying right?.

After he was done, he didn't let go, instead he pulled me closer to him by the clasp of the vest making me bump into his hard chest and making the boat rock a little bit. My hands instinctively went around his neck to study myself and find my balance but that only worsen the situation as he found a reason to sneak his hands around my waist. My body against his went rigid for a second as I could feel something hard poking my belly area.

"Do you feel that?" Yale asked in a low husky voice, sending shivers over my skin.

"That's how bad I want to rip those clothes off you and burry myself deep deep inside you." He brought his mouth close to my ear to sinfully whisper into it.

I felt heat pool down in between my legs as my brain picked up on his words, painting a very vivid and colourful image of him taking me in my head. My eyes closed to hold on to that image and thats when I felt warm hands gently caressing my butt through my dress. A moan escaped from me as I shamelessly pressed my body into his, loving the feeling of his member probing me and his hands on my body.

"Mmmm, you better stop that little kitten before I take you right here." Yale murmured again into my ears again, making me realize what I was doing.

Unwrapping my arms from his neck, my hands flew to my glasses to nervously push them back before withdrawing my body an inche away from his. He chuckled out loud and let go of me shaking his head as he went to the back of the speed boat to remove the anchor that was holding it in place.

"You should sit down and buckle up." He instrusted again and headed to the front to turn on the engine.

All through the ride, I had my eyes fixed on Yale, admiring his features and that perfect body of his. In the short span of time I had spent with him, he had managed to turn me into a complete prevent even without putting any effort into it. My mind was in a sex driven state and all I wanted was for him to touch me the way he had this morning and make me shudder in pleasure and also "bury himself deep inside me".

Closing my eyes for a moment, I bit my lip and clamped my thighs together to stop myself from getting any wet than I already was. Honest to God, I was going to die of sexual fraustration today if nothing was done, and what had happened to me avoiding and staying away from him......arghh darn my weak self, I mentally scolded.

"What would you like to eat?" I heard his voice filter through my thoughts breaking me out of my daze and making me open my eyes.

Yale still had his back to me and his eyes trained on the sea in front of him which was good, because I so much didn't want him to catch me drooling over him, yet again.

"Huh?! Ahhh anything so far as it doesn't have shellfish or has peanuts in them."

"You are allergic to them?"


He went mute after that not asking another question. I was still wondering where we were going to since he hadnt answered the first time around but from what he had just asked I knew it was somewhere with food. I closed my eyes again and lifted them towards the sky, basking in the suns warmness and the cool breeze of the open sea.

Soon enough, the picturesque view of different coloured buildings sitting on top of a hill and lining the seafront came into sight. It was so amazingly breathtaking and so beautiful that it made me whip out my phone to take a picture of it.

His Beautiful Mess (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now