hello from a dead account :)

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Uh, so hey ?? lol but hey all, it's me "A". It's definitely been a minute since I've been on Wattpad lol. But I guess I'm back and I'm kind of encouraged or inspired to to write again. I published this book two+ years ago and every so often I come back to this account to see how's it doing and read your guys's comments and I've never replied to them but trust me I've read all of them. I kind of want to publish the sequel that I had for this book, but I wrote it two years and my writing isn't the same as it used to be. I'm older now and therefore, more mature. But if you want a sequel, I can totally write one or rewrite the one I had before. Same characters, same love relationship, but a totally new plot line. It's just an idea now and if enough people want me to do it, then it'll become a reality so obviously let me know. I don't know how many people are going to read this or comment but y'all seemed to like this book and my other book "Control" enough to want a sequel out of it. But anyways, I never expected this book to be as successful as it. Currently at 135K + reads is absolutely insane so thank you for believing in my writing and believing in me (even though I was young as hell when I wrote this). Uh so yeah, please comment if you'd want a sequel or just comment anything in general that you liked or disliked about this book because that'll be helpful when I eventually start writing again. It's always good to learn from mistakes. But ... I guess that's it. Thanks again for your support ! And don't forget to comment..

Gossip Girl
lol I'm playing

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