Chapter 20

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I woke up with my phone buzzing. I didnt answer it because it was 4:09 and obviously this person calling didn't know the time. I decided to just stay up and watch the sunrise from my balcony. But, first coffee.

I went down to my kitchen and poured some premade coffee because I was too lazy to make some fresh coffee. I turned on my phone and checked Instagram and Twitter. There were pictures and tweets but they were all boring. I, then, checked my missed call. It was from an unknown number so I dialed the number in again and put my phone up to my ear.

Then, I heard a knock on my door. Who could possibly be up at 4 o'clock in the morning and knock on MY door?

"It was probably a fan," I thought.

So I opened the door and there he was standing right there, suitcase and bag. Shawn. He was a fan.

"Uh. What are you doing here, Shawn?"

Shawn walked it and put his bag down. "Hello to you too"

"Oh right. Hi Shawn. What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit"

"But you never visit. Why come now?"

"Your exactly right. I never visit so I decided to visit now before I never get a chance to"

I hugged Shawn. "Aw, it's okay. It really is okay"

"No, its not. What type of adoptive father would I be if I never took the time to visit"

"Well, your here now and thats all that matters"

"So, why are you up so early, Maya. Working on a song?"

"No. Someone called me this morning and I woke up to that"

Shawn shrugged. "I didn't call you"

"Hmm. It was unknown so after you showing up, I thought it was you"


After Shawn arrived, I introduced him to Lucas. Shawn was very protective of the guys I dated and he gave all of them the same speech.

"Here we go again" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Lucas," Shawn started. "If you ever--and when I mean ever, I mean ever--break Maya's heart, like all the rest of the guys she's dated, I'll break you. Into little pieces. Literally"

Lucas gulped a bit, worried spoke in his eyes. "Sir, with all do respect, that is not my intentions with Maya. I don't plan on breaking her heart. So, there's no need to worry". Then, Lucas took out his hand.

Shawn shook it and turned to me. "You picked a winner"


I went over to Riley's apartment and knocked on the door. She opened the door and let me in.

"So Shawns in town" I told her.

"Really? Why?"

"To visit. He's worried that he'll never get the chance to see me if he didn't do it now"

"Sounds serious. Are you sure thats what he meant?"

"Wait. Are you saying there might be a chance that Shawn is sick?" I started to worry.

"No. But something's up. He never visits, afterall"

"Thats what I said and he completely denied it"

"Talk to him. Im sure he wants to talk. Now, I have to go. Im meeting Mr Wiggins at Starbucks"

"Okay, Riles. Thanks for the talk" Then I opened Riley's apartment door and walked out.

"She's right. Somethings up" I thought.


A/N: soooo....what do you guys think of this chapter? The missed phone call will be coming next chapter so for those wondering who called Maya, read next chapter.

Comment your thoughts. Next chapter will be up later today since I have school and I'm writing this at 7 am. lol.

Thanks for the comments and votes. It was something really nice to wake up to.

One last note: 2 comments and 1 vote will get Chapter 22 and 23. Thanks for reading!



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