Chapter 37

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I sighed. "I don't know where he is"

She smirked, "I do"

I walked over to the pink sweatered girl. "Who are you?"

"Lola," She said, holding out her hand. "Lola Friar"

I gasped. "Your the sister he stalks on Twitter?"

"And the one who he saw in the Hospital"

"Wait, he saw you in the hospital? When?"

"Like 11 months ago"

"He didn't tell me" My voice started to lower as I was very sad that Lucas did not tell me about this.

"Oh. Well, you need to come see him"

"Well, where is he?"

"Marianne Hospital. Lucas is in a coma"


I rushed into Lucas room and I had the most scared face ever. He was asleep and I kept nudging him yelling, "Wake up! Wake up!" but nothing was working. I felt like I was the Prince and Lucas was Snow White and he was poisoned and in a coma.

The doctor walked in as I turned to him. "He's okay"

A sigh a relief came out as I relaxed a little bit. "So, when will he wake up?"

"He's been here for 6 months now, so any day now, I'd say. Hopefully, he doesn't get Amnesia"

"How did he end up in a coma?"

"Well, a friend of his brang him here after finding him in his apartment. He has a huge bump on his head, so I'm assuming he hit his head so hard that he ended up being knocked out and in a coma for this long"

"Well, I'm just glad he's okay"

"You seem to care about him a lot" The doctor told me.

I turned around. "I do. Do you mind if I stay overnight?"

"No, not at all"

"Okay, thank you"

The doctor exited the room and I pulled a chair next to Lucas's bed and stared at him. I took his hand and prayed that he'd wake up soon enough. I looked around and noticed that the room was decorated with stars and I instantly remembered something Lucas had told me.


"You know," Lucas started pointing at the star in the dark sky. "I think stars are cool". We were on a blanket, looking at the stars. It was after my fight with Riley that Lucas had told me.

I turned to face him. "Oh, really. Why?"

"I'm going to quote something from The Lord of the Rings. 'Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars'. I think it's amazing how the light of the moon takes away everything but the stars. It's cool"

"Lucas, your such a dork" I laughed.

"Yeah, I know"

*flashback over*

Tears started to form and shed. I remembered that conversation and it was quite coincidential that stars were put up all over his room. I took his hand and interlocked it with mine and begged that he would wake up.

"You know," I started, sniffling a bit. "I still remember everything that you've done for me" I looked at him and decided to keep speaking. "You've done a lot. I've made new friends, I got signed by one of the best record labels ever, and I went on tour and it's all because of you. We had a lot of memories together. Happy ones and sad ones like these. Look Lucas, if I never speak to you ever again, I just wanted to say...I love you"


A/N: here's an update. make sure not to forget this chapter. you'll understand why. anyways, hope you guys are enjoying this book so far.



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