Chapter 4

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I hate to turn up
Out of the blue, uninvited
But I couldn't stay away
I couldn't fight it
I had hope you'd see my face
And that you'll be reminded
That for me, it isn't over

I loved 'Someone Like You'. Adele was life. She always had me singing that song.

I put my guitar down and looked at my phone.

Damn. Its 7:16. I need to start getting ready to get to work.

I changed into my teaching clothes, which were an A-Line skirt that went to my knees and a nice floral blouse.

I put a little makeup, just to look presentable and grabbed my guitar case and my bad and headed for the door.

I opened the door and immediately remembered my coffee.


I opened the door and quickly grabbed it. I wasn't looking at where was I going. The only thing that was on my mind was time.


I started running and accidentally spilled my coffee on Lucas.

Great, I thought. Just great.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where--" Lucas said, sorry.

Our eyes locked.

His eyes were beautiful.

"Oh, its no big deal. I'll just buy some coffee on my way to work. But you owe me a new cup" I said.

I looked at my cup, smashed. My mother gave me that cup.

"Im still very sorry, but Im going to be late for work so i got to run" he said.

"Yeah, so do I. We'll talk later?"


I ran down the stairs. The elevator was taking too long. I got into my car and drove as fast as a I could.

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