Chapter 47

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"Lucas?" I asked shockingly.

"Maya" He answered.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" I said, walking towards my apartment.

"Well yeah but I got released this morning"

I opened the door and let Lucas in. "So why are you here? I thought you didn't remember me"

"Riley helped me remember you. We've been through a lot and I was hoping that you'd want to continue our journey"

I walked over to my kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out the pink lemonade and found two glasses. I poured the lemonade into the glasses and went over to Lucas and handed him a glass. I took a seat besides him and looked at the TV that was turned off. "Lucas, we aren't together anymore. I guess you remembered everything but that"

Lucas chuckled. "Oh Maya, I know you're joking"

I looked at Lucas. "I'm not. We had a fight while I was tour which is how you ended up in the hospital"

"What are you talking about?"

I sighed. "I was having an amazing time on tour. I had everything with me and everything I'd ever wanted. Then, I started to see you less and less as the days went by. I took my music seriously and you thought I wasn't taking our relationship seriously. So, you left and I haven't heard from you since. When I returned, your sister told me where you were and I thought we could fix everything but we couldn't. I couldn't. I gave up and that was that"

Lucas looked like he was about to cry so I patted his back. I didn't know what else I could do. I've never seen Lucas cry. I let him lay on my lap and cry his eyes out because whenever I was sad, Lucas let me lay on his lap and cry. It was time to return the favor.

"Do you think we'll ever go back to normal?"

"I don't know, Lucas. I really don't" But honestly, I wanted to tell him "Yes, because I really need you" but I didn't think it was the right time. Everything was moving too fast and I needed everything to slow down. I wasn't the best at processing information like this.


It was later in the day and I texted Jimmy telling him that I had something to do and I couldn't return to the studio. He replied with an "It's fine. Come back tomorrow".

Lucas had finally stopped crying so we sat in silence and watched one of the episodes of Pretty Little Liars that was on. The episode only reminded me of everything I didn't have.

"Hanna and Caleb are just adorable" Lucas said, breaking the silence.

"They remind me of something" I answered, not taking my eyes off of the TV.

"And what is that?"

I sighed and turned to Lucas. "Us before all of this"


A/N: aww, Maya misses Lucas. but why would she not want to get back together with him? hmm..



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