Chapter 7

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"Thanks for the cup, Lucas. Do you want to come it?" I asked.

I was being polite for once. Don't get used to it I thought.


Lucas took off his bag and coat. He was wearing jeans and a shirt.

"Pizzas coming soon. I called before Riley came. Anyways, tell me about yourself" I said. Hey, I was curious.

"So, Im from Texas, but you already know that. And Im a vet"

"You like animals? Me and animals don't mix at all"

"Well, I grew up around animals so I've grown a bond between me and animals. And what do you do?"

"I teach music, specifically guitar and piano, at Star Music School. I love the guitar better, though"

"Well, why don't you sing me something?"

"For you?"

"Yes. I'd actually love to hear it"

"Um, okay. I'll sing a part of 'Air' by Shawn Mendes"

You, you don't mean no harm
But you're stringin' me along and I don't have the time to spare
And I, I'm trying hard to breathe
But you're suffocating me, this time I'm coming up for air

Lucas stood up and applauded. He really thought I was good?

"That was really good, Maya. I think I have a friend who needs a singer for a charity event. You interested?" Lucas said.

I thought about it. Maybe I should. Its a charity event, why not?

"Sure, I'd love too. When is it?"

"Tomorrow at 9 am. Its an all day event"

Lucas gave me a hug and I hugged back. He was so tall and I was so...short but that didn't matter, he hugged me anyways.

He smelled very good. Like daisies.

How does he maintain to smell so good after being around so many animals? I thought.

We hugged for very long. I finally broke away and our eyes locked.

We stood there in silence, looking into eachothers eyes.

"We keep...locking eyes" I said, smiling.

"Yeah, your smile is beautiful"

"Your eyes are even more gorgeous"

I stood there in awe. He's gorgeous.

- - -

Pizza finally game 5 minutes after what had just happened. We ate pizza and kept talking. I asked him basic things like about his family and his friends. He had a pretty good childhood and I didn't but it was still fun to listen to his stories.

After a while, it was getting late and the power went out.

"Oh my god" I said, almost yelling.

"What? Are you okay?"

"No, I just love the dark!!" I basically squealed like a little girl getting a new doll.

"Well, I hate the dark. And I'm not moving from where I am so I guess your stuck with me for the night"

"Sure. Do you have spare clothes? Yes. I always do. Being a vet can get pretty dirty so I just keep spare clothes"

"Smart boy"

Lucas changed into his spare clothes and we layed on the couch. I went on my phone for a while and then put it down.

"I'll sleep on the floor." Lucas said.

"No, its fine. This couch can fit us both" I said, patting the seat.

"Okay. Goodnight"


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