Chapter 34

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I was at Wade Park in upstate California, in my elegant, white wedding dress. It was long and it stretched out about 3 feet at the end. I was in a tent type of thing near the park doing my hair. I didn't know whether or not to keep it straight or curl it.

"Curls...or straight?" I asked myself aloud, sliding back and forth between pictures of myself with curls and straight hair.

"Straight. You look 10 times better with straight" A voice said walking over to me. Maya.

I turned around, judging whether or not it was reality or I was just hallucinating. "Maya? Aren't you supposed to be at your show?"

"Well, I am. But clearly I'm not. I came here for your wedding. Then, afterwards, I'll go over to my show"

"You didn't have to, Maya"

"But, I did. And don't worry, I'm going to leave right after you say, "I do", okay?" Maya headed for the curtain that separated the outside and from the room Riley was in.

"Wait" I called. Maya turned around. "I'm sorry"

Maya faced the curtain then pulled it back, not muttering anything.

I quickly resumed with my hair and decided on straight. I moved onto makeup and went with a suttle makeup. Finally, I finished.


I was told that I was going to walk to Farkle so I headed for the start of the red carpet. I took a deep breath in and huffrd it out as I held my bouquet of flowers. I waited for the music to play until I heard it and I knew there was absolutely no turning back. I walked, step by step, slowly as Farkle got bigger and bigger as I walked towards him. He kept smiling but I knew he was just as nervous as I was. I finally arrived to where Farkle was standing and smiled, nervously, at him.

"Hey" He whispered.

"Hey" I whispered back.

A man came up to us and stood to the left of me and to the right of Farkle. He smiled at the both of us before he began talking. I wasn't really paying attention and all I was waiting for the question that was going to change my life forever. What was going to happen after I give him my answer? I thought. I was scared and couldn't even focus. I took a glance at Maya and Lucas, who sat at the front row, smiling. Maya gave me a reassuring look that told me that I should say "I do".

"Do you, Farkle Minkus, take Riley Mathews as your wife; to love and to care for and to protect for as long as you shall live?" the man said to Farkle. Farkle took the ring and put it on my left finger. Shiny, I thought.

"I do" Farkle said, smiling at me.

"Do you, Riley Mathews, take Farkle Minkus as your husband; to love and to care for and to protect as long as you shall live?" the man asked me. I took one last glance at Maya, who still had a reassuring look on her face, and smiled, "I do".

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now--" Farkle interrupted the man and grabbed me. His lips interlocking with mine. K kissed back, trying hard not to ruin this incredible moment. We kissed for long, not asking for air to breath. We finally broke away and looked around at everyone. I looked over at Maya and Lucas, who headed for the exit. I ran over to them and almost tackled them.

"You can't leave" I cried.

Assuming Maya was going to say "But, we do", she instead said, "Your right. We can't". She ran over to her car and grabbed her guitar case. What's going on? I thought.

She ran back over to Lucas and handed him her guitar. But, it wasn't her acoustic guitar. It was an electric one. Lucas walked over to the trunk of the car and grabbed a heavy-looking speaker and brang it to the front of the park, where Farkle and I had just gotten married and set it down. Maya walked over to Lucas and smiled before facing Farkle and I.

"Take your seats, please" Maya said, looking directly at me. "You guys aren't going anywhere yet"


A/N: RIARKLE WEDDING!!! How was it? I lied, this is my favourite chapter by far. Anyone else's? Comment your thoughts!

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it!



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