Chapter 50

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I walked out of Missy's car and walked over to the man that I almost hit. "Hey man, are you--" I started to say, before realizing that it was Lucas and Ethan. "Oh my gosh".

"Maya?" Lucas and Ethan exclaimed at the same time.

I rushed to Lucas's aid at brushed him off. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks to Ethan" Lucas replied, turning to Ethan. "You saved my life"

"Yeah, well, I had to. Maya would never forgive me"

I looked Ethan, who was helping Lucas up, and I smiled. He still cared. He was always cautious of how I felt. And if anything happened to him, I don't know what I'd do. And the same went for Lucas. Not a day would pass by that Ethan wasn't thinking of how I felt. It was nice of him to care. A girl could get used to this.

But on the other hand... I looked at Lucas, who has dusting his pants off. They got really dirty because of me. Lucas cared about me just as much as Ethan did. Maybe even more. He was always thinking of me. Sometimes I thought Lucas was sent to me for protection. He would risk the world and even more just Like, who would even do that? Not many.

I looked at Lucas and smiled. Then, I took a look at Ethan and smiled. I went back and forth between the two boys and just smiled. I was one lucky girl, wasn't I?

"Lucas," I started. He immediately looked up and started at me, waiting for a response. "Are you sure you didn't break anything?"

"Yeah, just a few minor bruises but nothing serious"

I looked at him for a while before looking away. We all stood in silence, trying hard to avoid conversation.

"Well, I should go" Ethan explained, breaking the silence. "And Maya, I didn't mean to make you leave your apartment"

I nodded, in accpetance of his apology. "It's okay. But where are you going?"

"Wherever the wind takes me. This isn't your guys's last encounter with me. You'll see me again" and with that, Ethan set off and disappeared with the now forming crowds that were arising. Afterall, it was now 6:15 am and people were heading to work.


When we arrived at the apartment, it was 6:53 am and I decided to take a shower. I left all my belongings at Missy's so I decided to retrieve my things later on. When I got out the shower, I put on sweatpants and Lucas's football sweater and headed downstairs. I only had coffee and I was extremely hungry but luckily, Lucas made me toast and eggs with pink lemonade.

I walked up to him and smiled. "Thank you". I took the food and sat down on the couch and started to eat. Lucas joined me and ate his food too. When we finished, I layed back on the couch and closed me eyes.

"Why weren't you answering your phone?" Lucas asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him then closed my eyes again, trying my best to avoid the question. "I said, why weren't you answering your phone?".

I opened my eyes and took one look at Lucas and sighed, "I was didn't want to talk. So, I turned it off"


"Because these past few days, I've been dealing with what happened in my past and I didn't want to anymore. It was too much thinking. A-and processing information and well...I didn't want to think about it anymore"

"You couldve come to me"

"And tell you what? That my first crush isn't actually dead? No. It's none of your business anyways"


We sat in silence until Lucas finally said, "Don't keep your phone off. I get anxiety attacks not knowing where you are"



"Because what?"

"Because the thought of something horrible happening to you scares me. I don't know what I'd do without you"

After that, we sat in silence for a while. I was trying to figure out what to say to to Lucas. I still loved him and it killed me that for whatever reason, I couldn't allow us to date again. And hit me. Ethan. It was because of Ethan that I couldnt date Lucas. I still had feelings for Ethan that...would never fade.

I took a look around the apartment. Ethan wasn't here. He wasn't going to be back for a while.

"Lucas," I started once again.

"Yeah," He said, looking me straight in the eye.

I leaned in and kissed Lucas as passionately as I've ever kissed a guy. The kiss was very intense and when we broke apart, I looked at Lucas, who was smiling.

"I love you, Lucas"

"I love you too, Maya"


A/N: i didn't know how to end this book. A lot was running through my mind. I really wanted something tragic to happen but I was like no, end on a happy note.

Thank you all for the ever lasting support. It means the whole universe to me. If y'all could leave a review of my book in the comments, that would be very much appreciated.

Oh and two final things, 1) check out my other book, Schizophrenia. I'll be updating alot and 2) stay tuned...a sequel is coming your way next weekend.

Goodnight y'all. It's been great!



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