What are We?

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*Time skip of 2 days*
Since Darry and Baby are back together there sharing a bed which means I got to sleep on the mini couch. I woke up uncomfortable and freezing cold. I got up and rapped a blanket around me and saw that it was 7:03 on the clock so for some reason I decided to go outside. I was looking out into the foggy sky being able to see nothing but grey. I sat there for about 5 minutes till I heard the door open.
"Morning" I smiled at Chris as he returned the favor. We stood there looking out into nothing quetly. Not like an awkwardly silence but a nice thinking silence. After a little I asked
" You want to go to the lobby and get hot coco?"
"Yeah sure" he smiled.
We walked there bare foot and tired.
"Morning ms. Curtis" one of the gentlemen in the lobby greeted.
"Morning" I waved. We got our hot chocolate and sat down for a little.
"What do u want to do today" he asked taking a sip.
"I don't know kind of whatever" I shrugged.
"Well we can go to the lake today. Like the actual lake" he giggled.
"Sounds fun we'll go when the sun comes out and maybe the guys will come" I said we sat there for a little and as we were walking back we saw Ponyboy.
"Hey pony" I greeted
"Morning where you guys headed?" He asked rubbing his eyes the holding himself since it was cold out here
"No where we just had hot chocolate. Since the sun is coming out in a little we're gonna go to the lake you wanna come?" I asked
"No thanks, Dall said he would take me and Johnny to find some girls" he giggled. I rolled my eyes as I walked back into my room. I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my hair as Chris plopped back down on the bed I'm sure falling asleep. about 15 minutes later baby woke up.
"Hey you ready for today?"
"Yup" I nodded
"What you got planned?"
"So far Chris and I want to go to the lake and see if the guys will come and join and that's about it"
"Aww I remember the lake I remember for a talent show, me and Darry had a difficult part and we practice there and I'm pretty sure that's where we locked eyes and secretly both fell in love with each other. Uhhh I hope this happens for you and Chris" she giggled. I rolled my eyes and said nothing. I walked away getting my stuff and changed into my bathing suit. I had baby do a French braid and just as she finished Chris woke up. He started getting ready and still non of the guys were up by 10 and it was super hot! We waited but then just left to the lake along with Dall and Two bit. Two bit and Chris jumped in first but I put my toe in and realized how cold it was and by the look on Two bits face with purple and blue lips it was worse then I thought. I started backing up but then felt l someone grab me and start trying to push me in I kept laughing and trying to get Dall to let me go but he wouldn't. Eventually Chris got out of the water and picked me up and dumped me in the lake. The water was freezing but then Dall pushed Chris. It was so cold I could barely catch my breath. Chris put my arms around his neck and held me for a little till I got a little more used to the water. Dall jumped in and started splashing us but it turned into a splash war then just hanging out and talking. After a bit Dallas left to go look for Johnny and Ponyboy. He told Two bit to stay with us to make sure nothing "happens" but once he saw the first blonde walk by he ditched us. We swam around for a bit having fun splashing each other. I was climbing up the doc latter's till Chris pulled me back into the water making me fall back in and both of us laugh. It then went silent between us. We were so close I could feel his breath. I looked into his eyes which now looked soft and gentle. He was holding me close as I held on to his shoulders. We were looking into each other's eyes till he finally kissed me. My heart was pounding and my mind was racing. Chris Chambers. My best friend since Grade school! Who coulda guessed?!
We slowly pulled away in silence but then started to giggle.
"You know I've always kinda liked you" Chris smiled as he helped me up from the doc later.
"When did you know you liked me"
"When I realized how much I missed you at military school" he said. We got outta the water and started kinda walking back through the woods.
"Can I hold your hand?" He asked kinda shyly. I nodded as he grabbed it.
"So what are we now?" I kinda asked wondering how this is gonna work.
" Well I was hoping that you could be my girl" he shrugged. I smiled "sure"
"What about my new school?"
"I'll come and see you every day after school or at lunch and since I'm getting my license I'll come and pick you up after and drive you home then I'll take you to the drive in and I'll always make time for you" he smiled turning to me. I smiled knowing that I just turned 15 and have an awesome first boyfriend.
" How are we gonna tell the guys" I asked.
"Later on slowly then we'll tell your brothers and you can plan my funeral" he laughed. We kept walking but once we got to the crowds we let go of each other's hands. I went to my cabin seeing baby put her stuff away.
"Hey Baby" I said.
"Hey you have fun at the lake with Chris" she smiled.
"Ya the guys came to ya know" I shrugged.
"Ya I know but I saw that they left you and Chris..... Alone" oh crap!
"Ya so?" I said calmly looking like I'm doin something.
"Ya so I saw you guys kissing" she yelled laughing and smiling and tackling.
"OMG shut it baby! There gonna hear you" I laughed. We layed on the bed smiling at the ceiling.
"I'm really happy you came" I smiled
"Me too"
"So you guys a thing?"
"Ya I'm pretty happy" I smiled.

We all hung out the rest of the day played football had a fancy dinner a lot of desserts and Ponyboy and Gordie told us fun stories around the camp fire. We made smores and just had fun. We also had to pack everything up and Darry is so persise he made us pack and load all our stuff up in the cars so we just leave in the morning. We woke up early and left even though we could barely see the road because of the fog. We listened to wolfman Jack all the way home but once we got there we just slept. We woke up going threw the mail and watching TV. I saw that we got an invitation but that's strange we never get invited anywhere?
"Oh uh it's for grandmas funeral" Darry stuttered
I nodded and walked away.
"Hey Pony?"
"Whats high school like?"
"Stressful most math is useless you normally loose your friends and you get picked on a lot" he shrugged.
"Oh well that's something to look forward to" I said
"But it's fun to hang with friends joke in class read see books all that you just gotta make the best of it"
"I guess" I shrugged
We watched TV did some chores and just all hung around. We had to go to bed early though because we just found out that mom's funeral is tomorrow at her church that she would go to. Everyone was gonna go so they had to go home and get a suit. I told Chris not to go back home because his dad will be there and knowing his dad he will beat the crap out of him.
"I don't give a shit if he's there I'll be fine and I'll come right back don't worry ok?" He told me as we sat on the porch. Just then all the boys walked out.
"So tomorrow you guys want to go camping?" Teddy asked.
"No I want to stay home and sleep in my bed" I giggled. The guys agreed though. We all missed home so that night all the boys except Chris went home but the other guys stayed along with Baby. The rest of the night I listened to the radio and after just went to bed.

Srry it's been so long and Wattpad hasn't been working and it's just been a crazy week but story is almost over srry it's been so long but hope you guys enjoyed!!!

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