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I woke up in a bright room but my vision was still blurry and it was freezing cold in there and it smells weird like.... man I'm in a hospital. I could just see the blurry lights and something fuzzy walking towards me
"Hey Vannah how you doing?" I could tell it was Darry's voice strong and deep.
"Ok Superman, but wait  wheres Chris he was calling for a help I don't know if eyeball was taking him or his dad something wasn't right Darry he started calling for help and he doesn't do that to freak anybody out!" I said worried.
"What? I I don't know but will try to look for him later he'll be fine" Darry said softly.
"No he won't Dairy you don't understand it's bad at home he can't go back they're going to beat him or they might even send him back to military school Darry you have to send somebody to go find him and not just the cops send Steve or Two Bit at least we wouldn't care if Steve came back alive!" I said starting to breath to fast.
"Wow ok take it easy I'll have one of the guys go look for him but you need to calm down are you even still able to see?" He asked with worry in his tone.
"That doesn't matter right now-"
"Yes it does now tell me yes or no can you still see" he said more aggressive.

"Not really everything is just blurry I can barely see if you're holding up fingers but that's because it's just fuzzy anything else if it's a large object like you walking in the room yeah I can see but it still is fuzzy but I'll be fine I'll figure it out" I said nervously.
"Alright I'll be back" he said walking out of the room. 
Just then I saw 2 guys walk in and they were shorter then the rest of the guys and I could barely tell it was Gordie and Teddy.
"Hey Savannah" Teddy said weekly.
"Hey guys sorry about the tree house did you get the stuff tho"
"Ya we got it after we tried getting Chris" Gordie said blankly
"Wait you guys know what happened tell me!" I said worried.
"We started running over once we could smell the fire and by the time we got there they were already putting you in the ambulance truck but the other way we looked we could hear Chris yelling for help you didn't know what was going on we ran towards where we could hear him and I saw one ofit's cobras grabbing him and all of them running we try to keep up but we couldn't but even if we did we couldn't have done anything they probably would have killed Chris and us but we don't even know if they killed Chris anyways"
"Well Eyeball wouldn't let any of the Cobras kill him right? I mean he would get in way too much trouble for that ....right?" Is kind of knowing the answer and hoping they would say something else.
"Well I don't know I mean eyeball has let Ace almost burn Chris with a cigarette too and almost cut him so." Gordie finally spoke up.
Just then Darry walked into the room.
"So I sent dally and Steve to go look at his dad's house and find Chris I sent sodapopp and Two bit to drive around to see if the cobras or somebody has him or seen him"
"Wait Darry the Cobras have him they took him" Gordie told him.
"You guys sure?"
"No beast! We are completely lieing to get our friend killed! What do you think Giant?!" Teddy yelled sarcastically.
"You and Steve could be related." Darry mumbled walking out of the room. It's true though. Teddy is a mix of Steve and Two bit. Chris is more of Two bit Sodapop with a little Dally and once in a while Johnny. Gordie is all Ponyboy with a little bit of Dall when he's angry. I have Darry's kinda athletic part with Two Sodapop and sometimes Pony and a lot of Dally because when I'm REALLY angry I will shoot you. I was snapped out of my bed thoughts when the doctor came in.
"Hi Savannah I'm Dr. Joe" he said standing there.
"Oh right your blind so you can't shake my hand" he mumbled. Idiot.
"Anyways so there were more chemicals then we expected to be in the fire and that really damaged the cornea of your eye but you also had a few like 1 or 2 ashes go into your eye. It's not extremely damaged but things are gonna be fuzzy for the next few days but it will go back to normal. Do you where glasses?"
"Uh yes but I don't wear them"
"Well you do need to start your left eye is going lazy as we call it and you may go blind in it but if you where them it should help but I can't guarantee that It will give you back 20 20 Vision other than that you don't have any burn marks on you. You did inhale a lot of smoke and we just kept you on one of our oxygen machines otherwise you can go home soon" he explained. Great I get to look like a geek again. I'm not saying everyone looks like a geek when they wear glasses it's just me I like my hair up all the time and reading books and from how I personally look I do look like that. I guess I could just wear them around the house or at night.
"Alright thank you can you let my brothers know" I asked.
"Of course" he walked out"
"Well the sooner you get out the sooner we can find Chris" Teddy said excited.
"Teddy I don't think this processed in your mind but you realize she is half blind right now right? she can't go anywhere." Gordie explained.
"Gordie it's fine I can take care of my self" I explained politely. I turned over to get off my bed. I slowly started walking and stubbed my toe really bad on the bed I think. "Ow!" I yelled.
"Hang on hang on hang on" Gordie said grabbing my wrist.
"Ok we need to figure something out" Gordie said sitting me down.
"No shit! Now let's teach her like how my dad teach me to swim" Teddy said sitting on the arm rest of my chair.
"How was that" Gordie asked concerned.
"He threw me in" Teddy i could tell grined.
"Here stand up and just walk around" Teddy stood me up.
"Teddy your gonna kill her damn it" Gordie scolded.
"She'll be fine" he said as I was walking. Just then I ran into something.
"Door?" Teddy yelled.
"Ow! Wow thanks for the heads up guys"

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