School/ Arcade

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"Let's go! get outta of bed shorty" pony said dragging me outta bed by my feet. We fought for a while till he left my room. I just got back in bed till soda came in with morning hair.
"Savannah u need to wake up" he yawned grabbing a pillow and throwing it at me. He then grabbed the spray bottle and sprayed me.
"Come on let's go the sun's out"
"Yes the sun is out what do u want me to do about it Sodapop" I said getting out of bed taking the spray bottle from him. He just walked out as I got dressed.
"Pony hurry up I gotta use the bathroom!" I yelled threw the door. No response.
"Pony hurry up!" I yelled. I waited 2 minutes "Ponyboy I swear im gonna kick this damn door down if u don't hurry the hell up!" I yelled.
"Shut up!" He replied.
"Vannah watch ur mouth" Darry said while walking by.
"Well tell pony to hurry up" I whinned. Just then Steve and Dally walked in.
"Hey pony can I come in?" Johnny asked yawning.
The door suddenly opened. What the hell. I then shoved the door open.
"Move" I told pony.
"What's wrong with u?"
"Ur taking forever and we have 10 minutes before school" I said brushing my hair. I kicked Ponyboy out and let Johnny finish doing his hair. "Sometimes I wonder who's older u or pony" Johnny chuckled since I boss him around.
"Trust me somedays he's way worse. One time we were at Grandma's and she had a picture of me and Chris and Ponyboy grabbed it put it in a journal and wrote inside Savannah and Chris 4eva and stuff like that in my hand writing, showed the whole gang and tried to make them believe that I did that. At first they all believed it but then Darry said that I dont wright in journals and that I don't write forever like 4eva. So they caught him lying but still it was embarrassing." I said now brushing my teeth.
"Wow" he chuckled and where was I?" He smiled.
"I honestly can't remember I think u went somewhere that weekend with your mom?" I guessed. We just talked till the bus came to pick the boys up.
"Ok guys only really smart people can say this fast. I Yam-Stew-peed" I said slowly as we waited at the bus stop. Pony then spoke up.
"Nobody is gonna be that du-" but then was interrupted by Two bit saying " I Am Stupid" really fast. Idiot I mumbled to myself. We all rolled our eyes. Two bit Johnny and Ponyboy then left but pony couldn't help himself but to screw up my hair. I just brushed it out and hitch hiked to school.
"Thanks Ferris"
"Anytime kid hey me and my buddy r ditching school tomorrow probably Catch a Cubs game wanna come? Fun guaranteed!" He smiled. I've known Ferris for a little bit and he's a real fun guy. He's not much of a soc but he's definitely not a Grease. He's more of a rock.
"Nah not this time Ferris maybe another time thx tho hey make sure ur sister dosent catch you" I smile as I start heading to school.
"She never does!" He yelled as he drive off. Ferris Bueller is one crazy kid I thought to myself. He goes to the boys school and everyone loves him. As I walked through the gate I could see people talk about me. A lot of the guys didn't like me bc of some girl. You see I was friends with this soc or square as some call her at my school. Her name was Heather and she was a real u know what and with me she acted like my best friend but she started telling people that I was a serial killer greaser and to always stay away from me. Then she would always talk bad about me behind my back. Either way she was never a true friend like the one I thought she was. Now I hate all soc bc of her. I started walking to my homeroom and watched the morning news. I always have had some small talk with people but not many people new I existed. I can't wait to go to high school with the boys I thought to myself. The day went on and I did have one friend. She was a rock like Ferris but more towards the grease side. Her name was Alison. I just met her this year and me and her get along well. She gets detention every so often but she doesn't care but for some reason people call her a basket case. I don't really know what it means but we never care. Me and her only have 2 classes together which sucks but it doesn't matter anyways, I just fall asleep in my classes.
The rest of school was just boring. I got out at 2:30 talked to Allison till about 2:45 then started walking home.
"I'm home" I yelled throwing my bag.
"And so the torture begins" Pony says walking by. I just roll my eyes.
"Hey Dally" I said walking into the kitchen.
"Hey Vannah" he says eating cookies.
"So how r my grandma's co-"

"say anymore out loud and I'm gonna drop kick ur ass all the way to California"
"Ohh touche much today Dally" I laugh grabbing one. He grabs my arm and twisted it behind my back.
"U cannot have grandma cookies!" He whisper yells.
I kick him in the shin and reach over to grab one.
" U have taught me well Winston" I smile walking away.
"Ya a little to well" he says holding his shin.
"Pony Boy come on let's go play or do something" I said jumping on the couch. He then grabbed my feet and pulled me off the couch.
"Owww!" I yelled as he just laughed his ass off. I punched him in the gut.
"Two bit come on let's go play a game or something!" I said bored.
"Y don't u go play with uh idk Steve" he said watching TV. Is he frickin serious rn?
"No he hates me u know that! Hey let's go to the arcade!" He thought for a moment which I'm sure was very hard for him but then we decided to go. But this time were gonna make it a gang trip. Just then Darry walked inside. "Family meeting!" I yelled all the guys moaned. Soda and dodo bird walked in from the front yard as dally walked out of the kitchen. Johnny was in the living room already with us in the living room with us. Every sat down as I stood up in front of them.
"Ok let me just put in that were not getting a pet were not selling Ponyboy to a farm (I had a family meeting about that when I was like 12) and we r not making Christmas year round" Darry pointed out.
"No those r all great ideas that I have come up with but no. Every one grab all the qaurters u have bc we t goin on a family trip to the Arcade." They all shot up and started looking for extra quarters. Steve and Soda looked in the coach Two bit looked in the fridge. Idk it's his fav spot in the house he needs help. Johnny just kinda stood there bc he already had a bunch of qaurters and pony and Darry were going through everyones wallet. I just walked into Ponyboy and Sodapops room and took enough qaurters out of Ponyboy piggy bank. After I went to the phone and called Baby, Darrys girlfriend. "Hey Baby? Hi it's Savannah Darry's little sister? Hi so we're heading to the Arcade and just wanted to invite u... Alright see u there.
"Alright times up everyone to the truck!" I yelled as we all yelled for fun. We always got excited for this stuff. We pulled up and hopped outta the back of the truck and saw Baby waiting for us outside of the arcade. "Alright I just remembered it's a school night so we're only gonna stay until 8:30" Darry said while walking up to baby.
"Hey Baby, what u doin here?" Darry asked giving her a kiss.
"Your sister invited me I hope u don't mind" she smiled.
"No no not at all"
"Alright well if u to lovers don't mind we would all love to go and have some fun" Soda said opening the doors. We all ran inside. Not to many liked arcades so there weren't too many people here but we were some of the oldest here I didn't mind I still watch tom and Jerry. There weren't a lot of video games bc the the arcade just open and there weren't many games but we played space war, space travel periscope, and riffle man.
We were all playing and having fun but where's Darry?
"Hey where the hell did Darry go?" Pony asked looking around. We turned the corner and saw them french kissin. We all howelled and whistled. Baby blushed and just laughed. She never took anything to seriously and that's what we all loved about her. "Hey do u guys mind" he walked over annoyed.
"No but I'm sure all the children loosing there innocence might" me and two laughed.
"What do u need more quarters or something? Guys come on" Darry complained
"Trying to get rid of us so quick Darry?" I laughed
"Yes very quick so if u guys don't leave in about 2 damn second I'm gonna kick all ur asses!" He barked.
"Yes sir" I said doing a sarcastic solute.
We all started walking away then Two bit went back.
"Hey Superman while the children are walking away would u like us to not come home to night so u and baby can u know get- " Darry then lunged at him and Two bit let out a puppy sound Yelp almost. We all just laughed and walked away. It was about 9:30. Sodapop was getting tired and was going to let Darry know that it was probably time to go home cuz he had work in the morning. We all realized what his plan was at once and that would mean we have to go home so we all tackled soda. Steve tried to cover his mouth but soda bit him and started running to Darry like a little kid about to tattletale.
Dar- Darry! Help! I'm being mauled by a horse boy a Texas City A Two shit a munchkin that didn't follow the yellow brick road and I shall call u.... Steve" he yelled saying the last part more calmly. Y must they call me munchkin?
"Alright alright alright alright!" Darry said walking over pulling Soda to his feet. Baby just watched in amusement. "Darry it's gettin late and as u can see everyone is getting cranky and I got work in the morning I think we otta start heading back" he all looked at us as we pouted not wanting to go home.
"Ya i think ur right little buddy. Baby u comin?" He asked turning around.
"Ya I'll take my car and meet u guys there" she smiled. I had Pony give me a piggy back ride to the truck.
"Off" he said throwin me in the back. We all got home and went to bed.

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