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We all walked out to Two bits car and the truck. Ponyboy Johnny Sodapop and Steve went in the truck. Pony Johnny and soda cried a little with two bit more in shock. Two bit drove while I sat next to him with Dally next to me and the boys sat in the back. It was completely silent. Not even Two bit could crack a joke. We always talked about how we could never shut two bit up but it was wierd but I still couldn't function that my grandma was gone. Just one phone call could change your whole life. I honestly felt like I got stabbed a bunch of times but I would rather be stabbed a bunch of times and get my grandma back. To be honest after Chris left I'm never really shocked when people let me down but what I hate is that I put myself in a position to be let down. What makes it worse is that I'm the girl that's Never good enough. Not for a guy not for my family not for my friends. Nobody. I'm everyone's second choice. If I'm in a sport maybe I will get number one. But for anything else? Never. It's sad how in her eyes I was always number one and no one could replace me. She was my whole world and I was hers. It's sad how much of a big part she was in my life but now she's just... gone. I would give up anything right now just to get her back. We all went inside Vern and Teddy went home Chris and Gordie stayed. There was no room but we made room I guess. Steve was the only one who didn't stay. It was early in the morning maybe about 5. I technically just cried myself to sleep. I've been woke up bye about 12 I know I slept in late but I was so tired and I didn't even want to wake up I was just hoping it was all a dream. I walked out half asleep I feel my eyes are still a little swollen from all the crying last night. Everyone was in the kitchen just goofing off like nothing happened as much as I wish it was a dream I know it wasn't I don't get it why is everyone acting like nothing happened am I the only one that's having a hard time with this? I was just annoyed to see and feel like no one misses mom. Chris Johnny and Ponyboy for the only ones that showed a little bit of something they left. "Morning Vannah I made your pink pancakes your favorite" soda pop joke knowing pink was my least favorite color
" G Thanks Soda" I said sarcastically still a little slow in the morning. I just sat there and ate everyone got different colors pancakes. I honestly didn't even feel like eating I only wanted Grandma's food right now and just to wake up in her house with the light shining in and hearing her call me awake. I was running down there's so many memories and then I snapped out of it.
"Hey Vannah your coming to the blade fight with us right"Gordie asked with his cheeks filled with cereal.
"Ya of course" I weekly smiled. I did some small talk but couldn't get out of the deep dark feeling I had. I went back to my room to put on some jeans in a red and white flannel with a white tank top underneath I rolled at the bottom of my jeans and wore my black Converse. Me Chris and Gordie decided to go to the Tree house but Gordie's dad saw us and took Gordie home for something but I think the truth was he just didn't want Gordie to hang around us.
Me and Chris kept walking tho. We talked a little but nothing much. To make me feel better he took me to the record store.
"Hi Mr. Nelson" Chris said
"Hi Savannah hi... Chris? I believe?" He qeustioned.
"Yes sir" Chris smiled.
"Well it's good to see you again where's Vern Teddy and Gordie?" He asked.
"There home" Chris replied.
I just stood there and smiled. Mr. Nelson trusted me and once I told him Chris is very nice and is completely different from his family he took my word for it and tried to get to know him more and more and ever since then they have gotten along quiet well. We then started looking around the shop. He saw me staring at the record player I've been wanting for ever. My grandma was the one who helped me choose it but she couldn't afford it so I said it was ok and not to worry about. She felt bad but I told her I would rather go to Dairy queen. We went and had fun that day.
"Man that's a cool record player" Chris said walking up to me.
"Ya I've been wanting it for a while" I said playing with my fingers.
"Here you want it? I'll buy it for you?" He said trying to be nice. I shook my head no.
"Ya you do Nannah come on I'll buy it for you" he smiled. He went back and looked at the price. He only had $5 ($52 for that Time) and some change. He didn't have enough though. He scrounge his pockets to see if he had any more money. I pulled him aside.
"Chris? What are you doing" I asked blankly.
"I'm buying this damn record player" he smiled.
"Chris don't waste your money on me. I appreciate it but don't go pitty on me use that money for food or something important." I said gloomly.
" U are important I would do this for Gordie" he told me.
"C'mon Chris let's just go to the tree house" I said in a slump mood.
He agreed and felt bad but would try to make small talk but I would just shake my head or nod. He just tried making me get my mind off things but not even a new puppy would do that. We climb up the latter as I stepped in and sat down on the bed/bench we had.
"Hey I got a suprise close your eyes" he told me.

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