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"um ok" he said with worry in his eyes.
"So uh 2 months after u left Chris my uh parents were driving and they got into a really bad auto wreck"
"Wait. there ok right? r they still in the hospital? What's wrong with them" he said starting to freak out. Every one loved my parents as if they were there own. Chris kinda grew up with all of us. Dally would sneak all 5 of us into to the drive in with Ponyboy and Johnny. Two bit would always do those stupid knock knock jokes with Chris and play army with Teddy and after school Darry would take us all to play football then Chris would meet my dad Steve and Sodapop in the backyard to learn more about cars. And finally Gordie and Ponyboy would read books together and work on new stories together. Every one had a close bond with everyone and I wasn't excited to tell Chris.
"Um Chris.... My parents died in the auto wreck 2 months after u left" I said looking down at my shoes. I could tell that he was hurt and didn't want to show it in front of the guys. Only me and Gordie new.
"Chris.. I" I tried to speak but didn't know what to say.
"Does everyone know?" He asked. I nodded.
"I'm sorry Vannah" he said now feeling bad.
"Don't worry about it chris c'mon I got another plan of fun" I said starting to run torwards where we were supposed to meet Ferris. We kept joking around but me and Gordie could tell Chris was a little off but we keep the night going. Ferris then pulled up in a different car. More of a Greaser car. It was a beat up barely running rat rod. (Pic on top)
"Wow cool" Vern said excited. "Come on hop in!" Ferris shouted over the loud rumbling of the engine. We went cruising howling and and shouting having the time of our lives.
"Hey guys I got an idea let's find Ace"
"What r u nuts?!" Teddy almost shouted.
"Just trust me it's the best idea in the world!" I said excitedly.
"Gordie hand me my bag from the back" he handed it to me as I started opening it in the front.
"Alright let's fine the asshole" I smiled. We cruised for about 30 minutes to till we found him. Alright Ferris let me drive" I said trying to get him to move.
"Woah hang on I borrowed it from one of Tim's boys I'm not letting you ruin this car for me to be dead meat" he said not to excited about the idea.
"Just trust me. Trade places with uh let's see" I said thinking for a moment.
"Teddy. Trade places with Teddy" I smiled. Ferris thought about it. "Alright boss" he said moving. My dad always took me driving so I knew what I was doing.
"Don't believe a word I'm saying" I said speeding up to Ace.
"Hide Chris for a bit" I told them Vern just had Chris duck.
"Hey Curtis girl, what u doin out this late ain't it past ur bed time" he smiled
"Nah nights still young" I smile back.
"Hey that's a real bitchin car Vannah" eyeball said from the back of there probably stolen 56 silver Cadillac.
"Hey it's so bitchin that were gonna give u a special prize" the boys already sounded grossed out from behind.
"Oh ya well if it's u man I'm a ready Teddy" I smiled. The boys tried to countain there laugh but so was I.
"Well here it is" Eyeball said throwin a water balloon. I moved out of the way and it hit Teddy. We all laughed especially Teddy trying to be serious. "Aw man well Eyeball has done it. He screwed the pooch" Teddy said with a crazy laugh. "Ya and that pooch was u" Chris laughed. Teddy lunged at him and sat back down. "Teddy go threw my bag and give everyone a can of that shaving cream stuff" I smiled.
"We'll catch them at the light and follow my lead and Ferris try to flatten there tires to" I smiled excited. We pulled up next to them at a red light and we all got out of the car and put shaving cream all over there car. We rubbed it all over as we we're laughing. The guys didn't get out which suprised me. They only made threats.
"Chris? Chris is that u?" Eyeball yelled. Chris smiled and then covered up the spots that the guys could see out of. We all laughed and Ferris took off with us barely getting in. It was now about 8 and I probably should start heading home.
"Hey ik there night it's still young but my brothers r probably gonna kill me already" we all agreed that it was time to head home.
They dropped me off at the end of the Street so it would look like I was alone.
Bye guys hey don't forget about the dance it's tomorrow Everyone meet at my grandma's by 5:30 to get ready" I smiled. I started walking away then ran back real quick.
"Chris I'll bring food to the tree house around 3 am" he nodded in a thx. I waved be as they left. I walked in with everyone inside. I almost got in to my room safe tho.

The Outsiders Sister (W/ Stand By Me)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon