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We woke up around 10 and ate breakfast together. "Hey I need you to stop by moms house and start choosing everything you want to keep and I'll go pick it up and put it in the attack" Darry whispered so no one else could here me. I nodded and Darry told me to at least take some one with me. So I took all the guys Vern and Allison didn't come though they wanted to go to the movies. Alone. Chris Gordy and Teddy we're still okay with me. we walked in there and  it took a little while but we didn't mind it. Ace drove by but strangely still didnt pick on us I mean I didn't expect him to stick to the deal and I still don't. he's probably just taking a break from it.
We finally got to the house and I unlocked the door with my spare key. It felt strange being there I liked it but not without Mom. All the boys walked into my grandma's room looking around even though it was tiny.  I walked I her closet and there was about 8 boxes of jewelry which wasn't very surprising. I haven't even checked under the bed or her nightstands. I don't like jewelry but I still want to keep all of it. I found a box in the back that was empty so I put everything I wanted in there. I know I normally don't wear dresses but she had a few nice ones that were forties and fifties that she used to wear. I packed the ones I like along with the 11 maybe more jewelry boxes. I took about an hour and a half. The boys were just sitting around talking about Mickey or what Looney toons character could beat superman. The Box wasn't heavy yet it was and I really just don't feel like picking it up so I yelled for Teddy and Gordy. They walked in and I told him to take the box into the living room. Chris looked around the room looking at her old photos. I then went to my room and grabbed another box from a closet and put all my belongings in it. I wanted to keep a lot of stuff like the pretty cup she had that looked like crystals or the really cool 1940's lamps. I really wanted to keep everything maybe for my future house but I know I had to let some things go. I got little sticky notes and wrote my name on them and put it on everything I wanted that could fit in the Attic. I've been in the attic before at my house and I know the size and I'm pretty sure I just filled it up. We Organized everything into boxes or sections and it only took us about 3 hours. The boys helped out a lot and kind of made it fun and sometimes when while we were cleaning up Gordie would tell us a story. Or even better we would have random singing moments and laugh while cleaning or sweeping or whatever.
"Take out the papers and the trash" I sang. They all paused looked at each other and smiled.
"Or you don't get no spendin cash" Chris sang trying not to laugh.
"If you don't scrub that kitchen floor" Teddy sang as well.
"You ain't gonna rock and roll no more!" We all sang into our fake microphone and laughed but kept singing. I later called the house and Dally picked up. I told him that we finished and then we need a ride and if you could pick us up. He said he's too lazy to but he would come if we paid him and I told him we would but the truth is I'm really not and if he wants to do anything I'll tell Johnny to tell him something. Sodapop came and picked us up with Dallas. They both helped all of us load the boxes and other things into the truck and we drove home. We relax a little bit watching TV and different shows like Superman and Scooby-Doo. It was so hot it was hard to stay awake I grabbed two ice packs out from the fridge and put one on my head and one on my stomach and took a nap. It was a really light nap to where I can still hear everybody talking. Sooner than I expected it was time to get up and go work on the tree house. We all put work into it and still had fun. Darry sent me the guys and ponyboy and Johnny to go into town and get stuff we want to put in it. Ponyboy Johnny and Gordie went into a shop Teddy and Vern went into another and me and Chris went into another one next store. Chris and I had a wagon that we took even though we're 14 and 15. We got a really cool miniature juke box, a cool book shelf, some poker cards and a cool dresser to put stuff in. We came back to see that the 3 Musketeers came back with almost a million books. And Teddy and Vern came back with army toys and an old army jacket for Teddy to wear and some dog tags.
"Teddy Gordy Vern, guys, come on, seriously, I just gave you 15 bucks each to go buy useful cool things for the treehouse" I sighed.
"I know and this stuff is cool and useful.... To me" Teddy shrugged.
"I'm in the prime of my youth! And I'm only a kid once" he exclaimed putting everything in the wagon.
"Ya but your gonna be stupid forever" I smiled as Chris chuckled along with Gordie.
"Hey I'll be right back" Chris said walking away turning the corner.
"So I was thinking what if we put like a pez machine in the treehouse?" Vern asked.
"What's that?" I asked.
"It's a machine that me and Vern came up with where it's like a gumball machine where you put a quater in and it gives you a package of pez but instead of it being like a block it's like a tall slim box that sits up" Johnny explained.
"Ya but how are you guys supposed to build that" Teddy asked annoyingly.
"Well Savannah knows how to weld stuff so if we find enough scrap metal she can weld them together and turn it into a tall slim box that you can hang on the wall" Pony said putting a few books down into the wagon.
"It's not a bad idea but how are we gonna pay for all those pez?" Gordie Asked of course thinking everything threw which was good.
"Well I'll help my Vernie look for his pennies so he could buy all the pez he wants" Allison said in almost a baby toned voice walking up to us from across the street. Vern smiled as we all agreed. I had the organizing freak that I call Ponyboy help me organize the wagon and we argued on how to frickin Organize a wagon! I think I just did it to annoy pony but just then someone tapped on my shoulder. It was Chris holding something I've been wanting for awhile. The Record player.
"Holy sh.....shoot holy shoot omg thank you thank you thank you!!!" I said super happy as I hugged him. Teddy and Vern started mocking us on how I hugged him and was excited like how he mocks Billy. (Last seen in the movie when Teddy in the movie said 'oh billy I wish we never stole the car' u can look it up it's funny) Chris and I laughed getting used to the joking around after hanging around with these baboons for so long you don't care what they say you just laugh and then wait to make fun of them to. Ferris was driving by as we started heading back to the Treehouse and offered us all a ride back. He dropped us off and we unloaded everything and started walking towards the place it turned out to be really cool. I'm surprised they did a good job especially with two bit and Steve helping I mean those guys are handy just not really good.

It was getting way to dark and Dallas was getting fussy without his chocolates milk. He used to have chocolate milk all the time at a dinner in new York with his friends smokey Benny and another geek you would never think Dallas would be friends with name Steve (Rumble fish). We put everything in the treehouse and Darry took us home of course or let them stay the night because well we all have nothing better to do. That night soda let me turn on the stove and let us all cook s'mores over the small oven fire. Freaking Ponyboy and two bit almost lit the whole house on fire. It was fun though everybody was excited for the trip as well. I was excited I really wanted baby and darry to get back together but I don't know what's going to happen between them I mean what if they don't forgive each other ever again. Baby has always been there for me but what if she's not here anymore. Dallas later on got mad at Steve because he almost lit Johnny's hair on fire. Alison actually left a few hours later and Vern walked her home and probably stayed the night back at his place. Tomorrow they wanted to go look for his lost pennies and Teddy Johnny Gordie Two bit and Ponyboy are going to go look for some Scrap Metal too. I guess that means me Chris and if the guys want to help can all just hang out tomorrow and if the guys come back with enough scrap metal I can start welding all the pieces together.

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