Blade fight

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We got home and everyone was acting like still nothing happened. That irritated me a little but maybe it was best that way. Everyone griefs differently I guess.
"Hey Munchkin" Dally greeted.
"Hey Dally" I replied tripping him. Oh I forgot I am the master tripper! I did that to everyone just to annoy them. We got our kicks out of it till Ponyboy pulled my hair. When you screw up guys hair it's ok but when you do it to a girl world war 3 has almost begun. I turned around to punch pony in the gut but it wasn't him. It was Steve.
"I'm not even sorry" I giggled.
"You will be" he said falling to the floor.
"Um hang on hang on!" Two bit yelled at Gordie.
"Family meeting! Now!" Two bit yelled. Here we go.
"Two bit we don't got time for your non sense right now" Sodapop rolled his eyes.
"Yes we do this is a do or die moment. Now is everyone here? Good. Alright. Gordie here thinks that Goofy is a dog and Vern says he can't be. He wears clothes and walks on 2 feet and I see his point of view but-"
"Two bit it's easy Goofy is a dog" Dally chimed in.
"Ya but then why doesn't Pluto get to talk?" Darry asked putting a shirt on.
"Exactly so goofy has to be.." Chris lead off.
"A kincky dog" Dally said laughing at the end.
"Dallas" we all yelled as Teddy tossed a pillow at him.
We went on about this for about 30 minutes. It then turned into Teddy apologizing to Vern.
"I'm sorry I hit you..... and kicked you .....and bit you and pulled your hair... Ill try not to do it again. skin it?" Teddy asked. They did the handshake and went separate ways.
"Nice goin Two bit!" Darry said hitting his empty head.
" I didn't know it would come down to this I thought dally would do that to Steve or something" he stood up.
We watched TV and started getting ready to go to the fight. I've always been taught to keep my hair up when going to a fight. Even if I'm not in it something can go wrong where I do get in it. I wore my faded jeans with the bottoms rolled up and a black shirt and a high pony tail. The boys made sure to slick there hair back more on the extra greasy side. Teddy was the only one who didn't tho. He didn't like his hair slicked back. It didn't look good anyways. We started walking there and a few guys were there some in Tim Sheppard's gang and some of Dallys old friends like smokey(rumble fish btw) were there.
"Hey man" Dall said shaking smokeys hand.
"Hey Munchkin haven't seen you in awhile" smokey said shaking my hand smiling.
"Hey Tim didn't think you would show" Darry said looking over at him.
"Well we like you guys better then the cobras and we never miss a good fight." I saw Curly as he walked over to me.
" Hey kitty how's it goin" he asked.
"Your lucky your big brother is right there to protect you smart ass" I walked away. He talked for a bit. The fight was taking place inside an old under ground train spot that could look like a huge parking lot. We walked out looking around for them.
"Well looks like we'll have to fight our selves" Steve said walking. Just then a train zoomed threw and a few figures came out. That's when they all came out to play. You could here stupid eyeballs hyena laugh.
"Well looky looky. You showed up Winston" Ace grinned.
"Chris stay back so they can't see you" I whispered as they talk. It was getting heated between them.
"What you been popping pills man. I thought we agreed a fair fight man" Dally glared at him.
"Ya well it's gonna be fair" Ace said as he quickly lunged at dally. Dallas didn't even flinch.
"Come on man! Take a fucking swing at me! Come on scab!" Dall said ready to get this over with he was so confident that he would win and we all believed in him but at the same time Ace was just as good. Ace started finally going at him.
"There you go" Dally yelled.
"Now we're goin somewhere" Dall grinned.
"Ya ur gonna be in a grave soon" Ace jabbed at him.
"Come on Dall get him man!" I heard Johnny yell the loudest. I then slowly noticed that as everyone was yelling and focusing on the fight the Cobras mixed with another gang started surrounding us. "Shit I sad under my breath. Darry was a little too far and no one wanted to really listen to me so I turned around and past Gordie Chris and Teddy and I yanked on Tim's jacket down so I can yell in his ear almost.
"Tim listen there surrounding us!!....look around! There surrounding us"you finally looked around and understood what I was saying. He grabbed Darry and two other guys and had them warn and yell everyone else but they made sure dally and Ace were still battling it out. Not gonna lie I started getting a little worried. All the guys had a firm look on there face except Johnny and Ponyboy they just looked confused as hell.
I didn't see any one have a blade for the cobras so I figured this would be a fair fight.
Ponyboy and Johnny took on 1 guy together. Ace and Dally kept goin. Since I was short and the boys were a little taller then me we helped each other out since we were all definitely shorter then these guys. Chris and Gordie took a guy me and Teddy took another and Vern just went around kicking guys that were already down. I used my tripping 'skills' and used them to my advantage. I tripped a lot of people and me or Teddy either kicked them in the face or once in a while knee them. Of course I got knocked down a few times but I stood back up. I got a knew jaw shiner and one on my opposite side cheek. Someone grabbed my ponytail and pulled me back hard and completely caught me off guard and tripped me backwards I tried getting up but he kicked me in the gut then the side. I tried getting up again but someone stepped on my hand. All of a sudden I saw Johnny full on charge him and I'm pretty sure knocked out about 2 tooths. He helped me up as I thanked him. I Looked around and could tell the fight was equal but everyone stopped for a moment because we heard one of the guys yell like they were cut or stabbed.

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