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"Ace" I said with an unpleasant sound giving him a blank look.
"Howdy"He said with a wolfish grin.
"What do you want Ace" I said annoyed. His friend eyeball came up next to him joining him.
"Not much kid but I gotta admit beating the shit outta old dally would be nice" he  buckled playing with a blade.
"Go to hell asshole" I said rolling my eyes." He just looked up from the blade and glared at me.
"I wouldn't be talking to my buddy Ace like that Vannah I mean ur buddies Chris and Gordy aren't here to protect u" he smiled down out me throwing his cancer stick on the floor.
"I don't need Chris Gordie or any of the boys to protect me I can do just fine on my own unlike Ace hear who needs a pack of girls like you to protect him"
"You know Vannah I know you didn't just mean to insult my dear old buddy Ace here" Eyeball said letting out a sarcastic chuckle. I was getting really tired of their shit at this point.
"I don't give a shit about what I do or say to the son of a bitch" I said standing there. I normally don't curse but these guys are just assholes so I mean come on. One of them grabbed my record and threw it then that's when Ace tackled me to the ground and grab the cigarette that was next to him
"Now I know you didn't mean to insult me and I'll let it slide as long as you tell me 'Ace I'm sorry'" He said waiting for an apology moving the cigarette closer to my face.
"Ace.. you can go and kiss. my. ass." I said while being held down. He then put the cigarette and held it even closer to my face.
"U wanna say that again to me u little shit" I paused for a moment then heard Steve yellin calling the whole gang over. Oh this is gonna be good. I felt Ace release a little and then he took off with his buddies. The whole gang came out running and screaming cuss words I slowly got up to find PonyBoy by my side.
"Hey you okay" he asked kind of wondering what was happening
"did you get them?" I asked as everyone came back.
"No but what we're u doin walking all by your lonesome?" Steve Asked angry. U can always leave it up to Steve to bring up the worst.
"well I went to the Record Shop that's all." I said Dustin myself off as Johnny helped me up.
"That's all.. that's all?" Darry asked annoyed.
"Y didn't u take one of us with u or somethin?" Darry asked.
"Bc u guys don't have enough patience and rush me!" I said getting annoyed as well. I picked up my record and started walking inside
"hey where you get that?" Soda asked tryin to soften up the mood.
"The record shop it's the new Chuck Berry album ." I smiled. Soda always understood me or would try to.
"Hey your Grandma called wonderin if u want to go over later on. If u want I'll give u a ride" Two bit said grabbing a beer. I loved going to my grandma's. She's always been there for us and always took care of us. I was her favorite of course. Me and her would do everything together. We would go to the mall or just talk. Whenever I was mad at my brother's or at anything she would always listen and never take sides. Everyone loved her. "Ya am I going for a bit or can I stay the night?" I asked Two.
"I don't know Munchkin u got to ask your brothers." Two bit said. Yes munchkin was my nickname name bc I'm 5'3. I hate it when they use it so I punched him as he laughed. I went to ask Soda I don't like asking Darry things. He was with Steve. "Soda, can I stay the night at Grandma's?" I asked walking out.
"Not tonight u got school tomorrow it's Darry's rules" I frowned but just walked back inside. " Two bit u gonna give me a ride?"
"Ya let's go" he said getting up.
went to my grandma's house and stayed till 5. We cooked and watched TV and just talked. Dally came to pick me up. "Hey dally"
"Hey kid u ready to go?" I nodded.
"Hi Dallas I know how much u liked my cookies so I made some for u" she smiled. He blushed a little and just said thank u. I said goodbye to her and left. She only live 8 min from us. "So u like her cookies?" I smiled as we got in the car. "Ya there good and u can't have any u lil shit so don't touch em" he sneered.
"How's u and Sylvia?"
"We broke up. The tramp cheated on me while I was in the cooler" he said cooly.
"That sucks" was all I said.
"I heard u ran into Ace tho." He said plainly.
"Ya so"
"So what happened?"
"I told him off and he tried burning me with a cancer stick" I said not caring.
"Well he'll pay. What about ur buddy Chambers. You haven't talked about him in awhile?" He said almost ready to tease me. The guys thought we had a thing for each other but we never did.
"Well Eyeball and his Dad sent him off to military school so i don't see him" I said softly. Me and Chris have known each other since we were 8.
"Oh ya? Well how bout the rest of them?"
"Gordie is going to some other middle school and his parents moved him after his brother died and Vern and Teddy. Idk we just grew apart after Chris left" I said. We started pulling up to the house. I remember how we would all hang out together and looked out for one another. The boys never let anything happen to me. We always stood by each other tho and would protect one other. We walked inside and saw Everyone eating dinner. "Blue mash potatoes and ham? My favorite Sodapop" I smiled. We all had dinner together and Johnny and Two bit just stayed the night. That night I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed Chris and Gordie. We used to have so much fun playing games together. I remember when I went to school and Chris wasn't there. I just thought he was sick or somethin but then Ace and eyeball and the rest of the the cobras came. They started pushing me around.
" Where's ur boyfriend now hu princess?" Ace asked. No one ever calls me princess. I was about to kick him where it hurts then eyeball said"oh didn't u here? We sent little Chrissy off to military school for the next year maybe we should send him for all four years of high school." I froze hurt knowing they took away my best friend but I didn't show any emotion. Eyeball then got down to my level acting like I was some toddler.
"What's wrong... Princess." I then kicked him so hard in the jaw a tooth went flying out. I ran home as they chased me. I ran inside as they all shouted we'll be waiting here for u. That's when Dally came and beat the shit out of them.

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