Alison and Verno

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"hey have you seen Allison and Vern and how they have been acting tonight?" Chris smiled looking at them small talking at the table and giggling with Gordie and Teddy.
"Ya its funny because the other day Alison was dying to come and when she asked I asked on which boy and why and she didn't answer but I could tell she liked someone and I think it's actually Vern" I smiled.
"Shall we try to set them up and probably embaras them" I asked excitedly.
"Ya but that's meddling" Chris said looking at me in a sarcastic way as if I would give a damn about that.
"Chris buddy I get you have been gone but come on me you and Teddy always Meddle" I giggled.
"I know let's go you take Alison talk to her about him and I'll take Verno" he smiled looking at them.
"Alright let's do it" I said high fiving him.
"Hey Ally can u come with me to the bathroom I need to put some lip gloss on" I said leaning towards the bathrooms.
"U don't wear lip gloss" Ally and Gordie said at once looking very confused. It was true but I just rolled my eyes and gave that look to Ally that was just saying let's go. She got up and went with me as the boys stayed at the table. Once we walked in she had this wild smile on her face.
"Hu r u smiling?" I teased her.
"Ya ya ya whatever Curtis" she smiled pushing me playfully.
"So uh what do you think of Verno? He's pretty fun hu?" I smiled pulling my lip gloss out of my pocket.
"Ya he's really fun. Man he's got those crazy eyes that you can get lost in so easily" she smiled. Ok for me he's my buddy so ewww but I'm happy for her she's never actually smiled as bright as she is right now.
"Ah Allison you like him!" I giggled.
"Uh stop it it annoys me when I like people" she smiled crossing her arms.
"Well I'm happy for you! I think you guys would be really cute together" I said putting my lip gloss away. We started walking back with the boys teasing Vern about girls that's how I knew he liked her. We walked up to them calmly.
"Ladies" Teddy smiled.
"Teddy" we said at once.
"Hey uh Gordie why don't you and Teddy go try to talk to some girls?" I said pointing to a big group of girls that look like they want to dance with somebody.
"Nah it's probably a bad idea" he said drinking punch.
"Go talk to her man c'mon let's go" Teddy cheered. They started walking up to them and they seemed to have been having a great time. "Hey uh Chris will you come with me to get some food" I asked. Alison looked at me me as Vern looked at Chris and both of them gave us those looks like 'dont you dare leave us here alone"
"Oh and Allison aren't you good at finding things oh and don't you have a metal detector that can find I don't know pennies" I smiled Walking away. Ok I don't know if that old peice of junk can find pennies I mean it Allison's dads and it just stays in the garage but hey maybe they will hit it off talking about Vern's lost pennies. What happened was he made a treasure map to find his jar of pennies under his house and he buried them and one day his mom came in the room to clean it up and she accidentally threw it away. So all year he's been looking for them non stop but maybe Allison will help him find them she doesn't mind getting dirty and she likes getting away from her parents since all they do is ignore her. Me and Chris stayed at the food table watching then laugh and just stop being akward.
"You know I think this is the longest time I've ever seen Vern go with out eating" Chris smiled.
"I know right" Gordie and Teddy we're talking to 2 girls that seemed really nice. Teddy's girl seemed really out going kinda wild and crazy but it was perfect for Teddy. Me and Chris went to go dance and have fun with them as Alison and Vern had fun.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen we are going to play 2 more songs and then we will play one slow song" The singer on stage said excited. Gordie and Teddy told the girls to excuse them as they had me and Chris follow them down the hall and around the Corner.
"What's wrong guys you were doing great" I smiled.
"Ya guys I've never seen 2 girls have so much fun with you guys and now that I have said that out loud I'm not gonna make fun of guys right now as much as I want to" Chris smiled looking down

"Well anyways Chris, we uh don't know uh how to slow dance" Teddy said shyly and I could see Gordie blushing.
"Aww guys don't that's nothing to be ashamed of it's easy" I smiled looking at them sweetly.
"Oh ya right Vannah I've never seen you slow dance!" Gordie said fustrated.
"Alright alright relax come here I'll show u it's litterally 2 steps" I said grabbing his hand.
"Alright arms up frame strong no noodle arms. This is my dance space that's yours now we have to be close so don't get all wierd" I told him. I taught him how to do with one hand up with hers and the other on her hip. I told him to just move slow and not step on her feet.
"Alright Teddy try it with Chris"
"Are you kidding no way"
"would you rather do it with me" I questioned knowing the answer.
"No" he moped Chris couldn't stop laughing.
"Pussy" Teddy said looking down. After about 2 minutes practicing that they now need to learn to relax and both hands on her hips.
"Gordie eyes up she's gonna think that ur looking at her boobs now eyes up stop looking at your feet and move closer I don't have coudies" the boys and I laughed as he blushed. He started getting fustrated.
"Vannah come on do it with Teddy" Gordie said awkwardly going next to Teddy.
"Stop being brats Teddy come here" I crossed my arms.
"No way Chris your turn it's not like this matters" Teddy pushed Chris torwards me. Chris just rolled his eyes.
"Great job guys wait to be a man Pussys" he said walking up to me. Chris actually did an amazing job. I put my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my hips. He never looked down just straight at me. We moved slowly at a perfect pace.
"Dang Chris where you learn to dance" I let out a small chuckle.
"It's not hard it's just these dodo birds make everything in life complicated" he smiled and looked over at them.
"Alright u think you guys got it?" I asked now pilling away.
"Easy" Teddy said starting to walk away.
"If it was so easy then why did you guys ask for help" Chris snobbed back at them.
"Guys are such idiots" I rolled my eyes.
"You have no idea" Chris said looking at me as we followed the guys. They all went over and danced hard then the slow song came on. The boys danced with the girls no problem but then I saw Vern ask Alison ever so politely. She agreed as they both danced the night away. But the dance wasn't still over nor the night.

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