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"alright since you 5 broke Two Bit we got to switch up the rides" Darry said looking at me and the boys together.
"Me and Savannah can take the Thunderbird with Dally and-"
"Wait why do you get to ride in the car with Savannah Chris huh? Why you like her or-"
"Do you ever shut up Steve? If you want you can ride with her for all I care" Steve and I looked at each other then at Chris
"Ya no" Steve said
"Look leave it up to me and Darry I know how to make this work without anyone loosing there mind. Dally can handle Savannah and I because we won't do much Teddy and Vern hurras each other so Vern Gordie Sodapop Johnny and Ponyboy can go together and to be honest Teddy is the only problem" Chris shrugged.
"Well then the 2 problem children can go with me let's go Steve and Teddy" Darry said walking to the truck.
"That's not fair why can't I go with Sodapop! Your leaving him with the tag alongs! That's not fair"
"Hey I'm the one who payed for this trip and I'm the one who invited them your the one tag along Steve but if you want you can stay here. I don't mind leaving your sorry ass behind" I smirked.
"I hate kids I will never have kids..." Steve mumbled on.
"Same here Steve same here" Dally said getting in the Thunderbird.
"Dall for all we know youve got a kid you just don't know it" Two bit laughed getting in the car.
"What you fucking say to me Two Shit!" Dall yelled walking to him. Oh No.
"Hey I'm 17 your older then me you can't hit me!" Two bit said getting in the car.
"Do you think I care?!"
"Hey guys come on" I complained as Darry held Dally back.
"Dall please stop this is supposed to be a fun vacation for us not a time to kill somebody. Please stop think of it as an early gift for my birthday okay?" I asked looking at him.
"Fine" he said walking away.
"I wasn't gonna get you anything kid" Steve said getting in the truck with Teddy.
"Ya never expected anything from you Steve" I shrugged. We all got in our cars and headed out. We eventually saw the 2 girls boyfriend pull up at the gas station as we got on the freeway. I sat in the middle between Chris and Dally.  From left to right in the back was Johnny Gordie then Ponyboy and Sodapop was in the front next to Vern in the middle and Two bit Driving then of course the was Darry and Steve with Teddy in the middle.
"Hey Dall what was it like in New York?" I asked curious. Truth is I've always wanted to go there. See what it's likes the buisy rodes and look down from one of the tall buildings at all the cars looking small.
"Shitty" was all he said.
"How come"
"Look kid New York ain't all fun and games. People are always wanting to go there but for kids there always getting jumped and no offence but a small 5'2 kid with noodle arms man you would be kidnapped and probably beat to death" he said casual.
"Well what about the site seeing I mean besides the people there like the Brooklyn bridge or something?" Chris asked.
"Well I've never been to the Brooklyn bridge but as you know I always went to this diner to play pool get a chocolate milk every once in awhile but man after awhile when you get bored with all the cops you gotta go somewhere else find somethin new" he shrugged.
"What was school like there"
"Well to be honest I don't know kid I never went" He laughed. Well I really couldn't imagine him going to school anyways.
"You ever want to go back to New York?" Chris asked.
"No way man... To much goin on down there that ain't my turf no more" he said looking straight down the road.
"You guys ever wanted to go there?" He asked. We both nodded.
"Well good luck surviving you'll need to carry blades with ya"
"Well that's great to hear" I chuckled.
"How bout you Chris what do you want to do man" he asked.
"mmm don't know maybe be a lawyer"
"You? A lawyer? Aww come on Chris you gotta be something more fun then that?!" He chuckled. Chris smiled but I knew he was serious.
"Well Chris when your a lawyer you can always come and bail me out man!" he laughed looking at him.
"How bout you Munchkin?"
"I don't know maybe be one of the All American girls professional baseball League players. Something fun you know?"
"Man how far are we" Chris asked
"Don't start ur bitchin Chris we still got 10 hours ahead of us" Dall said rolling down the window. We all just talked and listened to the radio. He was holling ass though. I wasn't worried I trusted dally. He drives like a maniac but he's been doing it since he was 14 so I trust him. Chris was going threw the dash board junk.
"Man you got a lot of tickets..... And cancer sticks" Chris lit up.
"Hey give me one man" Dall said reaching for the open box.
"Where's the matches?" Chris asked putting the cigar in his mouth.
"Keep looking"
"Here you want one?" He asked me.
"Nah I'm good I got sports coming up" I said giving them an excuse. I really don't feel like dieing at a young age. Well yet I'm driving with old Dallas Winston. They finally lit them up at started smoking. Chris eventually got so bored he started trying to make shapes with the smoke.  2 hours probably passed and Dall was bored and so we're me and Chris.
"Alright let's make this trip interesting" Dall said getting out of his car. What's he doing?" I whisper to my self.
"Scoot over." Dall said grumpy. We all did and heclosed the door behind him.
"Close the damn door Savannah."
"Dall what are you doing?" I asked confused.
"YOU are driving now let's go" Chris looked concerned.
"Ok" I said easily.
"Um hang on she's only 14 and your letting her drive?" Chris asked in disbelief.
"Free country" Dall said starting to fall asleep.
"Are you Crazy I should be driving I'm 15 and getting my permit next month"
"Well she can drive the first 4 hours you can drive the next now shut the hell up and start driving before your brothers catch up"
I started up the car and peeled out.
"Woah shit!!! Tell me you got another pack of cigarettes I can smoke" Chris yelled wide eyed.
"Shut up and hold on to something" I grined. I was driving 90 mph cutting people off like crazy hearing everyone honk at me. 1 hour into driving till I saw a cop.
"Shit" I mumbled.
"Wake Dall up and give me a hat and sun glasses" I told Chris. He shook Dall awake and put an extra pair of sun glasses on and sat up looking in the opposite direction of us. They'll pull us over for sure if they see I'm a Grease.
"Chris give me a ciggy" he was looking threw the dash bored trying to open a new pack but it was taking to long and the cops were pulling up to us way to quick. I grabbed the one Chris had in his mouth and had my sunglasses and hat on. I put the stupid cancer stick I'm my mouth and started driving right. Now I'm not tall but a 56 Thunderbird makes you look tall. I looked straight ahead as the cop stared right at me threw his window. He stared at me for awhile but I then looked over at him and saluted him. He just stares at me a little longer then did it back and told his partner just to keep going. He went ahead of us but once it was clear Chris started jumping aroud all happy and joyful while Dallas just chuckled and grinned. I coughed out all the smoke that went into my lungs. Damn that's nasty.
"You really are part Winston kid" he smiled
"No way! you would have just right off the bat flipped them off and then hell you would be thrown in jail... Again! She played it cool just like a damn Chambers" Chris yelled happy and howlling putting an arm around me.
"Oh I see what's going on here... You guys are going steady.... Baby girl Curtis and Chris CHAMBERS going steady" he yelled laughing at the end.
"No we aren't! What? Just because-!"
"Dall shut ur trap! We ain't goin steady. That's like saying you and the fuzz is goin out" I said cooly taking off the hat and throwing it at him.
"Ya well if Darry saw Chambers arm around you he would kill you guys"
I rolled my eyes not caring but then wondered would Darry really care if I was going steady with someone?

Hi everyone things have been super crazy I'm gonna try to post more but school starts tomorrow and I'm not happy about it but what can u do? Anyways thank u guys so much for ur patience and please comment down below on what u think or just what's on ur mind! Make sure to also vote for your favorite chapters! Luv you all!!

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