Use ur Head!!

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I look up to see Dallas holding Ace by the collar of his shirt now then throwing Ace again the wall then suddenly they started swinging at each other.
"Hey You ok?" Johnny said picking me up since I was a little dazed. Pony took out one guy and ran over to us. "Here come on" he said helping me get to the Truck.
It was Ace Dally and Eyeball. Darry knocked out eyeball then got tired of Ace and Dally goin at it.
"Enough games move" Darry said moving past Dallas. Darry took Ace out with one punch. The Cobras got back in their cars and took off yelling curse words.
I sat in the middle of the truck which wasn't the best because I was sitting next to Darry and Steve. Luckily Dallas took his car back to the house hopefully he could blow off some steam before I get home.
"Look guys I'm really sorry I don't-"
"Why can't you use your head! sometimes you can be worse then Ponyboy. You always have to stir up trouble for one of us don't you?!" He said now scolding me.
"I didn't mean to I'm sorry."
"Well sorry doesn't sweetin my tea does it?!" He said getting annoyed. Steve wanted to say something but he was too scared of Superman he just shut up for once in his life. We got home as Baby ran out of the house. We all got out and saw that I had a bruise and blood coming down my face from being slammed on the ground. "What happened?" She asked checking me face moving it to the side.
"She got punched because she can't stay out of trouble" he said slamming the car door.
"Look I said I was sorry and it's not my fault that Ace and the rest of the Cobras like to jump other greasers and soc!" I yelled getting annoyed. He was about to yell something back but just stormed inside. Baby took me inside to my room.
"What's wrong kid?" She asked gently.
"Nothin, just Darry, he's all barking at me and I know not to take it personal but he does it to me and pony all the time!"
"I know and I'll try to talk to him and see what's going on with him he's been real moody. But that's not just what's bothering you. I can see it in ur eyes now girl to girl whats wrong?" She asked. I just sat up on my bed holding my knees with my back against my bed frame. I was just l quiet wondering if I really should tell her but sometimes its best not to.
"Nothing I'm just really tired I guess."
"Come on Savannah u can't fool me" she smiled.
"I'll tickle u?!" She smiled as I just looked at her and smiled back.
"It's just about Chris."
"Chambers?" She asked
"Ya u remember him?"
"Ya u him and the rest of ur friends were over for dinner when I first met ur family" she said now sitting across from me.
"Well his stupid dad and brother sent him to military school and idk I just miss him. He was my best friend and they didn't even let me say goodbye or any of us. His brother eyeball just took the letters he wrote to me and kept them for over 5 or 6 months I think" I said feeling sad. At this point it hasn't really hit me that Chris was gone till I said it out loud.
"I'm srry Vannah" she said hugging me confirming me as well.
"Now the school dance is coming up on Friday and me Teddy Vern Gordy and Chris were supposed to go together but we all agreed that we wouldn't go unless all of us would go. And I wanted to go with all of them but I don't even want to go."
"Well I think you need to read those letters before anything else. And u r going to the dance trust me. I'll make an appointment to get ur hair done"

"Ya but what about Chris Teddy Vern and Gordie?" I said watching her get up and leave.
"Well read ur letters first and see how u feel after" shesaid smiling closing the door. Baby was always nice and fun. She's been with Darry for 2 years now. They met when we went on summer vacation. I was still deciding on weather I should read my letters or wait.

(What do u guys think so far. Should she read it or wait? Srry it's slow but trust me u guys r gonna like the next few chapters with the gang.)

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