Lets Go!!

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Chris and Gordie

All of a sudden camryn Ferris best friend showed up with a red 56 Corvette with Ferris in the car.
" let's go losers were going shopping " Ferris said like a little kid. We all hopped in excited. Of course there wasn't much room so camryn drove next to him was Gordie then Gordie and Ferris then me Chris and Teddy sat on top of the car and help on to the seats since it was a convertible. Chris and Teddy acted like they were gonna fall out so Gordie and Vern held our feet. We went into town to the Arcade and played a few games then we started heading to town. We stopped by the Dingo and grabbed a small bite. "Hey guys I'll be back" I said walking towards the bathroom. I walked past the bathroom and went straight to the back door I ran to the pharmacy store next door. They had some shaving cream and I just grab some I grabbed about eight cans and put them in a bag and then ran out to the car and put them in the trunk. I ran back to the back door and ran back to the table.
"Hey guys u finished yet?" They all agreed. Camryn and Ferris dropped us off near the tree house. I grabbed my back pack and put the cans I bought in my school bag. Ferris was gonna pic us up again around 5. We all walked there joking around almost tackling each other every 10 feet. "Home sweet home!" Chris yelled.
"Man this place is a dump it looks like u guys just abandoned it" Chris said jokingly but then notice our face expressions and realised that we really did.
"Y would u guys just leave it?" He asked.
"Chris we just grew apart. I mean Gordie left then u Savannah got put in different classes and me and Verno would talk but it's like the world almost went silent." Teddy said just rubbing his arm.
"But still!" I could tell Chris was getting all worked up and I didn't want that to happen on his first day back.
"Skin It" I almost yelled. I just softly told them. They agreed and we all did our forgiving hand shake to one another. We cleaned up and played BS for awhile then black jack.
"Hey Chris where did u even disappear to?" Vern asked count pennies.
"Wait didn't Nannah tell u?" Chris said looking up from his cards. And Nannah is another nick name that everyone calls me once in a while.
"Look Chris everything u sent out just went to ur house so I didn't get them till yesterday. Eyeball gave them to me like 7 months late or somethin." I said in defense. He believed me and told the boys about his military school.
"Hey Ferris is gonna be here soon let's start heading back"  Gordie said putting a magazine down.
"Hey so does ur parents know ur back" Vern asked Chris curiously.
"Um no I'm gonna be staying the night at the tree house since there's blankets there" we all just nodded.
"Hey um Vannah how r ur folks? Ur old man still teaching Steve how to fix cars and still teaching Two bit new jokes everyday" Chris smiled looking at me. We all slowed down and stopped.
"Y u guys stop? Come on we're gonna be late" He asked still smiling confused.
"Um Chris we need to talk about a few things that u missed when u left" I said looking down. Chris has never seen me so serious and I think that's what scared him.

The Outsiders Sister (W/ Stand By Me)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora