Wrestling/ Apology

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I walked to the car as it started to rain. "What took u so long we're u guys doin it or somethin" Two laughed.
"What I'm gonna do soon is punch u in the face" I snapped.
"Is that a threat I hear"
"No Two bit it's the truth"
"I hope some guy makes u dance with him at the dance"

" I hope they cancel Mickey" I sneered

"U better take that back Nannah it's not funny now it's personal"

"Two bit if u don't start driving I'm gonna kick u out and drive myself home" I looked at him. He just mumbled a bunch of stuff.
"Cancel Mickey my Ass" he said once we got home. I just rolled my eyes and went to bed. I woke up around 11 the next day. I was just really tired. I walked outside hearing everyone loud as hell of course but what do u expect. I got ready wearing jeans and a red bandana top that is tied at the end but I made sure it didn't go above my belly button. I wore pants and rolled up the bottoms to show my converse. I had my hair up in a high pony tail and just walked out. (Pic on top)
"Morning sunshine" Pony said sarcastically getting eggs.
"Hey Sodapop do u work today?" Pony asked walking back to the table.
"No me and Steve got the day off im not missing my little sisters first dance" he said starting to tickle me.
"Ya and I'm not missing the munchkin in a dress" Steve teased. I rolled my eyes.
"They grow up so fast" soda said fake crying.
"Ya it's been 14 years since mom was diagnosed with you" Pony said disappointed
"Ya and it's been 15 with you" Darry smiled at him.
"U excited kid?" Two asked of course having beer for breakfast.
"Not really it doesnt really matter. It's just not important" I shrugged getting orange juice.
"It's not a big deal? Vannah me and Pony never went to a dance" Johnny said getting up to get water.
"Ya bc they don't let horse boys in the gym" I added. Pony just hit me in the head. I then hit him back and it turned into a full on war.
"Hey! HEY" Everyone kept yelling.
"Take it to the living room dumbasses" Dally said putting his feet on the table. I started walking to the living room to sit down till pony pushed me. We started wrestling and he eventually got me in a head lock. Darry then walked out of his room and saw us.
"Morning Darry" we said at once while I was still in a head lock.
"It's to early for this" He walked away. About 10 minutes later he called me over into the room.
"Look Vannah I'm really sorry, what I said was stepping over my boundries but u were also stepping over ur boundries. We just really need to figure it out" he said staying calm which was a shock.
"Ik it's just a lot. With Chris gone and all of us being separated i guess I did change a little. It's like for u guys loosing Two bit Steve Johnny and well Dally wouldn't be to bad he's always in the cooler so"
"Let's just apologize on 3. 1 2 3"

"......." We both said nothing
"Well now I'm just disappointed in both of us." He kinda laughed

"Look me and u r both terrible at apologize so let's just leave it at idk pinky promise" I smiled.
"Deal" he laughed as we Pinky promised. We walked out. We walked out to see Two bit hitting Steve.
"Two y r u hitting Steve?" I asked not really suprised.
"Bc of his stupidity of calling Mickey mouse Looney tunes and Tom and Jerry Stupid" he said now grabbing the newspaper.
"Two u cant hit people for their stupidity or else you and Pony would have a concussion" I said walking away. Two just hit me with a newspaper.

"Hey I'm goin to the record shop I'll be back in a little bit" I yelled heading to the door.
"Wait can I come I want to stop by the book store across" Pony said grabbing some money.
"Pony u just bought a book 2 weeks ago" Darry said looking at him in disbelief.
"Well I finished it plz let me go if u love me u will let me go" he pretend pleaded.
"Yes because we know those words r like knives to us often leaving scars" Soda said sarcastically staring at pony trying not to laugh at him.
Johnny cake u wanna come?" Pony asked
"Ya sure" he said getting up.
"Savannah u need to be back by 4" Darry Said so I'd be back on time before the dance. We all walked there with Pony teasing me about the dance.
"So what? u taking all 3 of ur boyfriend's" he teased.
"Yes Ponyboy I'm taking Alison too so come ur self down and hold ur damn horses"
"Hey Vannah how come u like hanging out with them so much" Johnny asked shyly.
"Idk we're all so different that we just like to hang out."
"Hey uh how's Gordie?" Pony asked.
"He's fine he got transferred to another school remember?"
He just nodded. We went our separate ways.

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