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"Hello?" I asked kind of in a groggy voice.
"Curtis residents?" He asked.
"Yes how can I help you?"
"Hi this is the Tulsa down town hospital I know it's late but can you come in. It's your grandmother. Something is terrible wrong" in that moment I froze. The worst thoughts going threw my mind.
"Yes I'll be right there" I said dropping the phone almost. I ran to Darry's room bursting the door open and turning on his bedroom lights.
"Darry.. Darry get up we have to go" I said shaking him aggressively then going to his drawers pulling out shirts and jeans.
"What what what" he said quickly getting up.
"We need to go mom's in the hospital"
"What?" He qeustioned
"I'm not repeating myself Darry now move!" I scolded. I was freaking out. I then ran to Ponyboy and Sodapops room.
"Guys wake up mom is in the hospital we need to go now" I said grabbing shirts and throwing it at them. They quickly got up. I decided to let everyone else sleep and to just have my brothers come.
"Darry hurry up or I'm driving myself there!" I said getting angry. I was scared. What happened did she fall is she sick did she take her pills did she take to many? The worst things are just raisin threw my mind. Darry and Pony road in the truck with me while Soda road in the back.
"Wait so what happened?" Piny asked.
"I was watching TV with Dally and he fell asleep and I was getting tired so as I got up to go to my room the phone rang and it was the hospital and they said something is wrong with mom so they needed us to come in so I ran to get you guys so we could go" I said feeling warm tears come out of my eyes.
"Hey hey calm down alright everything's gonna be fine alright. Tomorrow your gonna see her and she's gonna say she is feeling a lot better and is ready to go home. Everything is gonna be ok don't get your self worked up ok?" Pony said comforting me as I just nodded with warm tears rolling down my cheeks. We finally got there and ran inside.
"Hi which room is Maria Curtis in?"
"R u family?" She asked in a snotty tone. She had dark brown hair and was fat.
" No we are just random people on the street- yes we Are her family!" Darry snapped.
"Oh ok here room 237" she said looking at her nails. Pony and I sprinted down the hall as Soda and Darry tried to keep up behind us. Pony threw the door open but I didn't get see her there. I ran back down the hall way feeling dizzy but I kept going.
"Where is she" I scolded angry she didn't even look up she just pointed back to the room.
"Shes not there Now where is she!" I yelled.
"Look just wait in the room and you can probably figure it out!" She said in an annoyed tone.
"I don't get paid enough to deal with you grease balls" she mumbled looking at her nails.
"U wanna see a Greaser I'll show you a real Greaser"
I yelled going Winston jr on her. I jumped over the counter and kicked her in the gut I then punched her in the gut and was about to punch her in the face but she then grabbed my hair and threw me off of her. I then went back after angry at everything in the world I kicked her again and I was now holding her by her neck. I remember Dally teaching me how to scare someone by choking them a little. I wasn't planning on killing her I'm not ready to handle the cooler yet I got to learn a lot more first. Just then Darry grabbed me and pulled me off and technically put me in a headlock
"Calm down calm down!" Darry scolded. Soda then grabbed me by my arms shaking.
"You fat ass scumb bag! I'm gonna fuckin get you!" I yelled not caring if Darry heard me cuse.
"Nannah listen to me! Look at me come on your getting yourself worked up look at me!" He said almost yelling. I couldn't breathe I was scared what if I loose my grandma. She's all I got left she's the only real one that loves me and cares about me. I then suddenly locked eyes with Soda.
"There you go ok ur ok" he reassured me not shaking me but looking at me gently. He suddenly pulled me in to a hug.
"Get that thing out of here!" The nurse yelled.
"Hey I'll do that when you start learning how to catch a frisbee in your mouth" I snapped back. I didn't care how bad my comments were really I just wanted my grandma. The boys then walked me back to the room.
"So I probably should have told you this but she's probably in surgery Vannah she'll be fine" Darry said sitting down. "Ok then what she in surgery for? What's wrong with her"
"We don't know Vannah sometimes it's best if we don't know tho" Pony looked at me. We sat there for 2 hours waiting. I sat next to Pony leaning on his shoulder slowly falling asleep.

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